Article | Open Data as an Instrument of Democracy |
Authors |
Lawyer (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 11 / 2019 |
Pages | 241 - 254 |
Annotation | One of essential conditions for sustainable democratic development is to build a service-oriented State with transparent power, and such transparency of power is achieved, in particular, by using the instruments of citizens’ participation in the decisionmaking by public administration authorities and by exercising public control over their activities. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of open data about activities of public authorities and local self-government bodies on the exercise of citizens’ right to influence public policy, and also to explore the practical application of open data as an instrument of democracy. The article highlights the historical background for development of the concept of data accessibility in the scientific environment followed by implementation of the ideas and accepted principles of open data as governmental initiatives. As demonstrated by the global practices, development of open data contributes to responsibility of public administration authorities to citizens and is conductive to innovations, as well as to a growth of social influence on power decisions made by the State’s institutions. The author analyzes whether open data can be used in Ukraine as an instrument of democracy in assessing and monitoring the operation of the Government and the State, being included in the e-government model, on the example of individual sets of open data which are published and processed using service software. As a conclusion, it can be noted that publishable open data is a peculiar instrument via which the people can influence public authorities and local self-government bodies, and also an efficient mechanism of control over the Government; its development will lead to a high level of responsibility of governmental institutions to their citizens, entail a growth of economic indicators and, consequently, establishment of a service-oriented State.
Keywords | open data; open data sets; electronic government; service-oriented State; open data service software; control over Government; instrument of democracy |
References | Bibliography
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