Article | International Standards of the Bar: Challenges of Implementation into the National Legal System |
Authors |
Doctor of Laws, Associate Professor, Head of the Bar Department Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkov, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Ph.D., deputy chairman of the Committee of Professional Advocacy at the National Bar Association of Ukraine, lawyer (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2019 |
Pages | 54 - 69 |
Annotation | The national legal system is being harmonized with internationaland regional-level legal standards, and this is increasingly pushing Ukraine to take guidance from international and regional (European) legal standards; the latter, in turn, serve as the benchmark and the generally recognized and unified models to follow. Taking a cue from international standards of human rights and their protection is the key to a full-fledged implementation of a range of legal reforms which are underway in Ukraine over the past years, and this is particularly relevant to such an important human rights institution as the bar. Today, Ukraine is on its way to implement a new national legal mentality, an integral part of which being the introduction of international and European standards for the organization and functioning of the bar as a concept of optimal models of its organization and functioning universally recognized by the international legal (the bar’s) community. The purpose of the article is to explore the role played by international and European standards of the bar in the national legal system and the need for their further implementation on the path of European integration of Ukraine. It is established that the regulatory framework which enshrines the national standards of the bar is not fully compliant with the legal acts which enshrine the international and regional (European) standards of the bar. The authors conclude that the national bar needs further improvement of legal regulation taking guidance from the international and regional (European) standards of organization and functioning. The national standards of the bar should be formed with due regard not only for the international and regional (European) standards, but also for the proposals of individual lawyers, as well as professional bar associations and human rights organizations. |
Keywords | the bar; international standards of the bar; European standards of the bar; national standards of the bar; legal system of Ukraine; implementation of international standards of the bar; human rights standards; specialization of attorneys-at-law; professional liability insurance of attorneys-at-law |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Rymarenko Yu ta inshi, Pryvatne zhyttia i politsiia. Kontseptualni pidkhody, teoriia ta praktyka [Private Life and the Police. Conceptual Approaches, Theory and Practice] (2006) (in Ukrainian). 2. Sviatotska V, Standarty orhanizatsii ta profesiinoi diialnosti advokatury: porivnialnopravove doslidzhennia [Standards of Organization and Professional Functioning of the Bar: Comparative Legal Studies] (In Yure 2019) (in Ukrainian). 3. Vilchyk T, Konstytutsiine pravo na pravovu dopomohu advokata u krainakh Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu ta v Ukraini [Constitutional Right to Legal Aid by Attorney-at-Law in the European Union Countries and in Ukraine] (Pravo 2015) (in Ukrainian).
Edited books 4. Batler W, ‘Mizhnarodni ta yevropeiski standarty: ukrainske zastosuvannia’ [‘International and European Standards: Ukrainian Application’] v Kubko Ye (zah red), Problemy zastosuvannia mizhnarodnykh standartiv u pravovii systemi Ukrainy [Challenges of Applying International Standards within Ukraine’s Legal System] (Iurydychna praktyka 2013) (in Ukrainian). 5. Shemshuchenko Yu, ‘Suchasnyi stan pravovoi systemy Ukrainy: mizhnarodni pravovi oriientyry’ [‘Current Status of Ukraine’s Legal System: International Legal Guidelines’] v Kubko Ye (zah red), Problemy zastosuvannia mizhnarodnykh standartiv u pravovii systemi Ukrainy [Challenges of Applying International Standards within Ukraine’s Legal System] (Iurydychna praktyka 2013) (in Ukrainian).
Journal articles 6. Ivanytskyi S, ‘Spetsializatsiia yak pryntsyp orhanizatsii advokatury’ [‘Specialization as a Principle of Organization of the Bar’] (2015) 4 Visnyk Luhanskoho derzhavnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav imeni E. O. Didorenka 64-77 (in Ukrainian). 7. Kyivets O, ‘Ievropeiski pravovi standarty yak mizhnarodno-pravova katehoriia’ [‘European Legal Standards as an International Legal Category’] (2012) 5 Yevropeiski studii i pravo 40 (in Ukrainian). 8. Rabinovych P, ‘Rishennia Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny yak “pravoliudynni” standarty’ [‘Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as Human Rights Standards’] (2003) 3 Vybrani rishennia Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny (1993– 2002 rr.) 9-30 (in Ukrainian). 9. Tokmakov I, ‘Objazatel’noe strahovanie professional’noj otvetstvennosti advokata: est’ li neobhodimost’?’ [‘Mandatory Professional Liability Insurance of Attorney-at-Law: Is There a Need?’] (2011) 4 Advokatskaja praktika 15-21 (in Russian). 10. Ul’jashina L, ‘Mezhdunarodnye standarty v oblasti prav cheloveka: problemy pravovoj definicii’ [‘International Human Rights Standards: Issues of Legal Definition’] [2009] 4(76) Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava 56-80 (in Russian). 11. Zadoia I, ‘Strakhuvannia profesiinoi vidpovidalnosti advokativ: zarubizhnyi dosvid ta perspektyvy v Ukraini’ [‘Professional Liability Insurance of Attorney-at-Law: Foreign Experience and Prospects in Ukraine’] [2014] 4(2) Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia: Yurydychni nauky 273-7 (in Ukrainian).
Dissertations 12. Vilchyk T, ‘Advokatura yak instytut realizatsii prava na pravovu dopomohu: porivnialno-pravovyi analiz zakonodavstva krain Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu ta Ukrainy’ [‘The Bar as an Institution for Exercising the Right to Legal Aid: A Comparative Legal Analysis of Legislation of the EU Countries and Ukraine’] (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2016) (in Ukrainian).
Websites 13. ‘Rada OON z prav liudyny’ [‘UN Human Rights Council’] (MZS Ukrainy) <> (accessed: 18.11.2019).
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