Article | The System of Labor Law Sources in Ukraine: on the Harmonious Combination of Private and Public |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law Тaras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kiev, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2019 |
Pages | 148 - 161 |
Annotation | An efficient system of public administration in the labor sector is capable of a prompt, accurate and effective response to the present-day challenges, social demands and problematic issues, and is a prerequisite for recovery of our State’s economy and its successful participation in the European integration processes. The State policies should be formulated and implemented on the basis of universally recognized international legal standards in the relevant domain. For its part, efforts focused on assessing the State policies of Ukraine in the labor sector allow establishing the performance level of public institutions, and the degree to which they satisfy the needs of employees as well as employers. Taking this into account, Book One “General Provisions” of the new Labor Code of Ukraine should include a separate chapter “The State Labor Policies” comprising the following articles: “The Goal of the State Labor Policies”; “The Main Objectives of the State Labor Policies”; “The Principles of the State Labor Policies”; “The Priorities of the State Labor Policies”; “Ways of Implementing the Priorities of the State Labor Policies”; “Subjects of the State Labor Policies”; “Mechanisms of Implementation of the State Labor Policies”; “Funding Sources of the State Labor Policies.” The subject matter of labor law is less homogeneous than the subject matter of civil law since it comprises not only relations of a private nature but also, particularly, the relations with regard to supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation which have a pronounced public-law nature. The new Labor Code of Ukraine should become the basic codified law on labor issues which would regulate the widest possible range of the relevant relations. After it is adopted, only those pieces of legislation should remain in force which, along with labor and related relations, regulate other social relations as well. The contractual legal acts narrow down, detail and develop the general provisions of labor legislation with regard to the conditions of a certain employer. This is their main purpose. This method is flexible and dynamic and enables a prompt response to changes in the economic situation, with due regard for the specifics of development of separate regions, economy sectors, professions and this, in turn, determines the specifics of employment conditions for employees working in these regions, sectors, and in these professions. An increasing role which this type of legal regulation has on labor relations has an impact on the centralized legal regulation of labor. This is reflected in the increasing scope of social partnership and local regulations which expand and detail the provisions contained in the centralized act, thus entailing a decrease of the content of the latter.
Keywords | sources of labor law; system; labor legislation; contractual legal acts in the labor sector; combination of privateand public-law regulation; employee; employer; labor rights and obligations |
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