Article | The Doctrine of Private Law in Kazakhstan: Establishment, Challenges, Development Prospects |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Private Law of Caspian University
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2019 |
Pages | 175 - 195 |
Annotation | Recently, the doctrine of private law in Kazakhstan faces serious challenges triggered by intrusion of unacceptable ideas and theories into the domain of this doctrine. It has always denied the dualism of private law. Actually, the process of developing the draft Entrepreneurial Code of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan’s EC) demonstrated the utmost absurdity of the very idea and the impossibility to create an all-round and efficiently functioning Code. The article notes that the main achievement of the author and his colleagues is that the developers of the draft Kazakhstan’s EC avoided attacking the Civil Code of Kazakhstan and acknowledged that horizontal relations underpinned by the principle of equality of the parties can not be regulated by two codes at the same time. Today, Kazakhstan’s EC regulates vertically arranged relations, the relations between the State and an entrepreneur (which is clearly indicated in the preamble). The author demonstrates that Kazakhstan’s EC contains chapters and sections having no regulatory nature – the relations in question are actually regulated by special laws, so all these chapters are completely blanket and declarative. The onlypositive aspect of Kazakhstan’s EC is that it recognizes regulation of civil-law relations by civil legislation. In the article, the author made the following proposals: 1) to abolish Kazakhstan’s EC, to adopt the Law on Entrepreneurship and to set the remaining laws contained in Kazakhstan’s EC free; 2) to delete from Kazakhstan’s EC the chapters which do not have the substantive content, are declarative and blanket; 3) to delete from Kazakhstan’s EC the provisions regulating civil-law relations. The author draws attention to the issue of implementation of English law provisions to the Kazakh legislation. The article also studies the development trends seen in civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and reviews the principles of private law in the European Union and Kazakhstan. The article also focuses on the issues of implementation of certain provisions of European private law (pre-contractual liability, clauses on the immutability of circumstances, contractual liability). According to the findings of the research, the author concludes that further development of civil legislation in Kazakhstan is closely linked to the perception of the best examples of European private law. At the same time, the author believes that it would be unreasonable to abandon the use of certain institutions of English law which can be transformed into the constructions inherent in continental law.
Keywords | private law; civil law; entrepreneurial law; economic law; Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Economic Code of Ukraine; dualism of private law |
References | List of legal documents
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Bibliography Authored books 5. Belov V, Kodeks evropejskogo dogovornogo prava – European Contract Code: obshhij i sravnitel’no-pravovoj kommentarij [European Contract Code: General and Comparative Legal Commentary], kn 1 (Jurajt 2017) (in Russian).
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