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Article Contractual Regulation of Private-Law Relations in the Context of the European Integration Processes in Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Academician F.H. Burchak Scientific Research Institute for Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine ndippp@а



Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of department of private law issues at Scientific and Research Academician F. H. Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Ргіvаtе Law and Entrepreneurship of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine


Doctor of Law, senior scientific researcher, senior scientific officer of the department on contract law issues Academician F. H. Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Ргіvаtе Law and Entrepreneurship of National Academy of Law Sciences of


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2019
Pages 25 - 43

Recently, scholars and practitioners are paying increasingly more attention to the research of issues pertaining to contractual regulation of private-law relations based on the analysis of the fundamental theoretical provisions of the private-law theory through the prism of special conditions of the European integration processes in Ukraine. Of particular interest are the latest changes in the contractual regulation mechanism, not only from the perspective of the phenomenon of contract, its freedom, compliance with legal principles, but also in terms of the understanding of the freedom of a contract form, the structure of the ways to regulate contractual relations, its stages etc. Despite the large number of works focused on the above aspects in the private law doctrine, it should be noted that the issues relating to proper regulation of contractual relations, unfortunately, still remain unresolved and, therefore, their in-depth analysis would make it possible to form a new scientific vision of the approaches to improving the current legislation and its application practice.

By its influence on private-law relations, contractual regulation of private-law relations in the European integration context is wider than the statutory regulation, since legislative regulation is aimed at streamlining these relations, and the contractual one – at organizing and forming thereof. It is the civil-law contract that is the unique social and legal construction of private law which predetermines its specifics and at the same time gives its parties the widest freedom of action, the opportunity to be a kind of “legislators” for themselves but within certain legal boundaries.

Today, there is an urgent need for introducing the European methodology of the law of obligations, which is reflected in the need to combine new and well-known efficient constructions under the law of obligations, reduce the number and types of mandatory requirements and expand the scope of free initiative of the parties to contractual relations, thus making it possible to establish the criteria of their possible behavior.

The purpose of the article is to analyze contractual regulation of private-law relations in the context of the European integration processes in Ukraine, and also to present the author’s vision of their improvement.


Keywords contractual regulation; contract; obligations; private-law relations; contract form

List of legal documents 


1. Draft Hague Principles as Approved by the November 2012 Special Commission Meeting on Choice of Law in International Contracts and Recommendations for the Commentary <> (accessed: 01.02.2019) (in English).

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4. Simeinyi kodeks Ukrainy [Family Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 10 sichnia 2002 r. № 2947-III <> (accessed: 12.02.2019) (in Ukrainian).




Authored books

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10. Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts with Commentary (2015) (in English).

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Journal articles

14. Grigor’ev F, ‘Priznaki i klassifikacija aktov primenenija prava’ [‘Signs and Classification of the Acts of Law Application’] (1968) 1 Voprosy teorii gosudarstva i prava 98 (in Russian).

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Conference paper

17. Kuznietsova N, ‘Vdoskonalennia mekhanizmu pravovoho rehuliuvannia tsyvilnykh vidnosyn v Ukraini’ [‘Improvement of the Mechanism of Legal Regulation of Civil Relations in Ukraine’] v Aktualni problemy tsyvilnoho, zhytlovoho ta simeinoho zakonodavstva: materialy naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi pam’iati V. P. Maslova [Topical Issues of Civil, Housing and Family Legislation: Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the Memory of V. P. Maslov] (2011) (in Ukrainian).

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