Article | Recognition of Escheat Estate: Novelization of This Legal Institution over the Past 15 Years |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2019 |
Pages | 107 - 118 |
Annotation | Starting from 2003, the legislation of independent Ukraine has enshrined such an institution as declaring the escheat estate. However, 15-year experience of its practical application has time and again revealed the imperfection of the legislative structure. Therefore, today the legislative provisions on declaring the estate as escheat differ significantly from the original version of the relevant rules. Given this, there is an urgent need to analyze the updated civil legislation with a view to developing uniform approaches to the interpretation of its content and subsequent application of regulatory requirements. The purpose of this article is to analyze the orientations and consequences which novelization of the institution of declaring the estate as escheat may entail starting from the time of its regulation in the legislation of our State, as well as to identify the problematic aspects currently observed in legal regulation of relevant issues, and also to suggest the ways of resolving them. In the course of the study the author has established that novelization of the provisions contained in civil legislation with regard to declaring the estate as escheat has contributed to the optimization of the relevant legal institution because all of the changes were appropriate and helped bridge the gaps in legal regulation and resolve some of the issues arising when regulatory requirements were applied in practice. However, if no time limits are prescribed within which local self-government bodies should fulfill the duty to file an application for declaring the estate as escheat may actually entail its non-fulfillment or trigger power abuse by officials of these bodies, and this, on its part, will result in the occurrence of property with an uncertain legal regime or will make the territorial community unable to receive the relevant property. With this consideration in mind, there is a need to amend the provision enshrined in Part 2, Article 1277 of the Civil Code of Ukraine (Ukraine’s CC) and outline the deadlines for requesting a court to declare the estate as escheat. Given the rules of legislative technique and logic, the author highlights the need to use unified terminology for regulating the issues which involve declaring the estate as escheat. In this connection, the article justifies the requirement for amendments to Part 4, Article 1277 and Part 2, Article 1280 of Ukraine’s CC which would replace the phrase “escheat property” with the phrase “property included in the estate which is declared as escheat”.
Keywords | estate; composition of the estate; escheat status of the estate; testator; heirs; local self-government body; territorial community |
References | List of legal documents
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