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Article Aspects of Comparative Self-Reflection of Comparative Jurisprudence as Legal Comparatistics

Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding member of International Academy of Comparative Law, Senior Research Fellow department of organization research and information security National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2019
Pages 30 - 48

The article is intended to highlight the results of one of possible ways to conceptualize legal comparativistics, their basic features, correlation with legal and comparative sciences, and plurality of structuring the array of comparative legal studies.

The purpose of the article is to elaborate on the results of comprehending the features of comparative self-reflection of comparative jurisprudence as legal comparativistics aimed at clarifying what is common, different and unique in various understandings of the scientific nature, philosophical and scientific foundations of comparative jurisprudence.

One of the ways of comprehending the modern development stage of comparative jurisprudence is its comparative self-reflection as legal comparativistics on the basis of comparativism as a kind of world outlook which is formed in the post-postmodern perspective and comprises its scientific and extra-scientific forms, and also the philosophy of comparativism as a form of rational comprehension of the world’s modern existence, comparism as the general scientific paradigm of social humanities, and law comparativism which determine the “formats” of the foundations underlying the attitude to the legal world as a variety of different civilizations, cultures, traditions and world order as a result of their real interaction or lack thereof.

Legal comparativistics as the postnonclassical stage of comparative jurisprudence development under the post-postmodern conditions retains the links to its prior development, at the same time being characterized by differences from them in the subjectmatter and methodological aspects (with respect to the subject matter – by plurality and equality of legal cultures, social and cultural conditionality of plurality of legal reality, and in methodological terms – by comparativist thinking and comparative approach which is based on identification of “one”, “the other” and “another”).

Legal comparativistics are formed in the domain where comparative and legal sciences interact, where comparative sciences determine the methodology and legal sciences – the specific features of objects (legal reality) in the context of socio-cultural regulators (regulatory space covering all countries of the world with their dominant regulators conditioning the originality of its national or civilizational configuration).

By its scientific nature, legal comparativistics may not be reduced merely to an autonomous scientific discipline or method, it is a complex formation embracing various forms of existence and arrangement of juridical comparative law studies – scientific paradigm (comparism), scientific discipline (juridical comparatology), methodology (comparation), the frontier of respective studies, their infrastructure, the scientific profession of comparativists, their scientific community, the array of special publications and etc.


Keywords legal science; comparative jurisprudence; post-postmodernism; comparativism; legal comparativistics; law comparativistics; comparative approach; comparative legal research

List of legal documents 


Authored books

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Edited books

3. Tykhomyrov O, ‘Filosofski zasady porivnialnoho pravoznavstva’ [‘Philosophical Principles of Сomparative Law’] v Kresin O (red), Filosofiia porivnialnoho pravoznavstva: zbirnyk naukovykh prats [Philosophy of Comparative Law: a Collection of Scientific Works] (Liha-pres 2015) (in Ukrainian).

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Journal articles

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10. Kharytonov R, ‘Sravnytelnoe pravovedenye y otraslevaia yurydycheskaia komparatyvystyka: sootnoshenye y vzaymodeistvye’ [‘Comparative Jurisprudence and BranchSpecific Comparative Law Studies: Correlation and Interaction’] (2015) 2 Publichne pravo 345-51 (in Russian).

11. Kresin O, ‘Ideia zahalnoho v pravi yak vnutrishnoho y zovnishnoho dialohu natsionalnykh pravoporiadkiv (druha polovyna XVIII – pochatok ХIХ stolittia)’ [‘The Idea of Common in Law as an Internal and External Dialogue of National Legal Orders (Second Half of XVIII – Early XIX centuries)’] (2017) 2 Filosofski ta metodolohichni problemy prava 155-75 (in Ukrainian).

12. – –, ‘Porivnialne pravoznavstvo: istorychna retrospektyva i novi vyklyky’ [‘Comparative Jurisprudence: Historical Retrospective and New Challenges’] (2016) 27 Pravova derzhava 661-7 (in Ukrainian).

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18. Shemshuchenko Yu, ‘Vymiry porivnialnoho pravoznavstva’ [‘Dimensions of Comparative Jurisprudence’] (2013) 3-4 Pravo Ukrainy 15-21 (in Ukrainian).

19. Skakun O, ‘Metateoretychni pytannia zahalnoho porivnialnoho pravoznavstva yak haluzi yurydychnoi nauky’ [‘Metatheoretic Issues of General Comparative Jurisprudence as a Branch of Legal Science’] (2012) 3-4 Porivnialne pravoznavstvo 408-20 (in Ukrainian).

20. Tkachenko O, ‘Kontsept porivniannia yak konstytuanta postmetafizychnoho pravovoho myslennia: dosvid epistemolohichnykh transformatsii’ [‘The Concept of Comparison as a Constituant of Post-Metaphysical Legal Thinking: the Experience of Epistemological Transformations’] (2013) 3-4 Pravo Ukrainy 39-48 (in Ukrainian).

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22. Kryvtsova I, ‘Metodolohichna rol synerhetyky u porivnialno-pravovomu piznanni’ [‘Comparative Jurisprudence: Historical Retrospective and New Challenges’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, Odeska natsionalna yurydychna akademiia 2008) (in Ukrainian). 23. Lukianov D, ‘Relihiino-pravovi systemy svitu: porivnialno-pravove doslidzhennia’ [‘Religious and Legal Systems of the World: Comparative Law’] (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, Natsionalnyi yurydychnyi universytet im Yaroslava Mudroho 2016) (in Ukrainian).


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