Article | On the Concept and Criteria of Corporate Dispute |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2019 |
Pages | 237 - 259 |
Annotation | The purpose of the article is to study the concept, features and types of corporate disputes arising from corporate legal relations, and to outline the category of legal disputes related thereto. The author studies the concept, features and types of corporate disputes and determines the categories of legal disputes connected thereto. The corporate dispute is investigated as a legal institution which has the purpose of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of participants to corporate relations and takes place within the framework of the protectionaimed legal relation, where a person, in a statutory form, exercises the right to protection choosing the remedies established by law and/or corporate agreement. Based on the analysis of legislative provisions, legal positions of higher courts and the relevant case law, the author classifies corporate disputes by such criteria as the subject matter and contents, and also by the subjective criterion, and marks corporate disputes off from the related legal disputes. Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants to corporate legal relations is one of the most pressing issues of our times. Active development and an increasingly complicated nature of corporate relations entail increasingly more conflicts between their participants, and therefore, the topic under research herein is of particular relevance. Despite a vast number of changes to corporate legislation over the recent years, and the adopted new procedural codes, laws of Ukraine “On Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine With Regard to Protection of Investors’ Rights”, “On Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine With Regard to State Registration of Rights to Real Property and Protection of Property Rights”, “On Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine With Regard to Enhancement of the Corporate Governance Level of Joint-Stock Companies” which has implemented into the national legislation the procedures for the exercise of the right to squeeze-out and sell-out, and “On Limited and Additional Liability Companies”, corporate disputes are still among the most widespread and complex categories of disputes considered by economic courts.
Keywords | corporate dispute; corporate legal relations; corporate legislation |
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