Article | The Security Service of Ukraine as an Entity of the State System of Critical Infrastructure Protection |
Authors |
Ph.D. in Law, Docent, doctoral student National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2019 |
Pages | 260 - 286 |
Annotation | Protection of critical infrastructure is a crucial element of the State national security policy. In the vast majority of scientific publications, experts classify this branch of activity as a line of the security policy. The Security Service of Ukraine (the SBU), acting as an entity ensuring national security, is also one of major entities in the system of state bodies implementing the State policy of critical infrastructure protection. However, a range of theoretical and practical issues still do not come into the focus of scholars’ attention, in particular: the administrative and legal status of the SBU as an entity in the State system of critical infrastructure protection. The purpose of the article is to provide a scientific basis for the administrative and legal status of the SBU as an entity in the State system of critical infrastructure protection, and also to formulate conceptual blocks in respect of determining the place and role in the establishment and efficient management of the critical infrastructure protection system in a dynamically changing environment and given that new social relations are being established in the infrastructure domain. The author makes a dogmatic legal, formal legal and logical semantic analysis of current laws regulating social relations in the field of critical infrastructure protection with involvement of the SBU. The author has identified the specific features of the organizational model which the critical infrastructure protection system rests upon, and these features are determined by the nature, diversity and complexity of the management processes occurring from within the system, and also by the extent of specialization and regulatory consolidation which the administrative and legal competence of entities of the critical infrastructure protection system have in the system of statutory instruments, as well as by the scope and nature of activity aimed at critical infrastructure protection, its specifics, establishment of efficient mechanisms of coordination and interaction, public-private partnership and international cooperation according to legislation. The author substantiates the legal status of the SBU as an entity of critical infrastructure protection by determining its place and role in this system. The author comes to the conclusion that the State policy of critical infrastructure protection may be considered as the State’s national security policy. Proposals are developed on the improvement of current legislation with regard to implementation by the SBU of its powers of critical infrastructure protection.
Keywords | infrastructure; infrastructure policy; critical infrastructure; critical infrastructure protection; the State system of critical infrastructure protection; infrastructure-related legal relations; security policy; |
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