Article | Lacking Self-Sufficiency of Law as the Fundamental and Ontological Basis of Legal Comparison |
Authors |
candidate of legal science, docent, docent chair of theoretical and private law disciplines Kyiv international university (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2019 |
Pages | 77 - 94 |
Annotation | Legal comparison is facing the need to find its own place in the network of discourses formed by the post-metaphysical rationality of modernity. Own philosophical and methodological meanings may be produced when the intellectual territory of legal comparison covers the binary opposition of paradigms which opposition allows raising and solving the issues of fundamental importance for legal thinking. The current confrontation between the universalist and the singular approaches is unable to resolve this issue, given that there is a fundamental unity between them. The latter may be formulated as a paradigm of self-sufficiency of law. Therefore, the key issue of comparative legal discourse is constituting of the oppositional paradigm of lacking self-sufficiency of law. The aim of the article is to explicate the fundamental ontological foundations of the idea about lacking self-sufficiency of law as a necessary prerequisite for conceptualization of the corresponding paradigm of comparative legal rationality. The paradigm of self-sufficiency of law rests upon ontological solipsism. In the universalism of functionalism it appears in the perception of legal differences as evidence of imperfection of law. Hence a respective orientation towards replacing the language of national law and order with the neutral and universal language of functionalist concepts. Solipsism of the legal differences approach can be observed when foreign law is regarded as a source of threats to own identity. The main purpose of comparative jurisprudence is seen in the preservation of distances between legal orders historically formed by cultures. The fundamental rule of the paradigm of self-sufficiency of law is non-participation of the foreign in the existence of own law. The paradigm of lacking self-sufficiency of law should overcome the solipsism of universalism and singularity. The fundamental ontology project by M. Heidegger may be its ideological basis. A reference to foreign law is regarded as a mode of existence of own law. The space between legal orders is the domain of being-as-being. Legal comparison is the procedure of truth of own law bringing the legal nothing into the legal discourse domain. Modern technological civilization creates an existential threat to the existence of law. Artificial intelligence and the blockchain technology lay the foundations for a qualitatively different functioning of civilization. The prospects and consequences of replacing a discourse with algorithms become the key issue of legal comparison imparting it an independent philosophical and methodological status.
Keywords | legal comparison; fundamental ontology; legal universality and singularity; paradigms of self-sufficiency and lacking self-sufficiency of law; comparative legal functionalism; legal differences; legal truth; legal nothing; self-sufficiency of technology |
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