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Article Lability of Legal Systems as a Factor of Legal Acculturation

Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Civil Law National University «Odessa Law Academy»



Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine Honored Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Intellectual Property and Corporate Law National University «Odessa Law Academy»


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2019
Pages 177 - 194

Issues associated with the influence of legal systems on each other and their interaction have been in the focus of legal scholars’ attention for a long time. However, there are still no answers to certain issues. Discrepancies arise even about understanding of the essence of the process and defining the object of influence, thus giving rise to the need to continue research in this area.

The purpose of the article is to explore the scope, mechanism, subject (object) of the interaction, as well as the forms and factors (conditions) of the latter.

Using the civilization method for researching legal phenomena and analyzing them from the cultural perspective, the authors argue that since a legal system is a part of culture, in the course of steady contacts of civilizations there is also an interaction of legal systems which should be reasonably called “legal acculturation”. At the same time, “legal acculturation” is understood as positive consequences of contacts between legal systems. Legal acculturation may reflect a mutual or unilateral influence of legal systems. In the first instance, we are talking about the “interaction of legal systems”. In the second one – about adaptation (accommodation) of one system to another one. When acculturation occurs with regard to legal systems of civilizations which remained in the past, it is a case of reception of law; if there is a borrowing from legal systems which coexist in time, depending on the type of acculturation it can be a case of “legal adaptation” or “interaction” (“mutual influence”) of legal systems. Legal acculturation can take place in the following forms: study of the legal system-donator; assimilation of its concept, ideas, constructs, foundations, methodology, terminology, etc; borrowing of elements of some legal systems into other ones (“legal transplantations”); borrowing of the lawmaking methodology; borrowing of the methodology for resolving disputes relating to law; direct application of the rules of law from the legal system-donator etc.

The nature of legal systems’ interaction and the type of its consequences depends on the lability of legal systems, by which we mean their ability to be the object (participants) of transformation processes occurring due to the influence of some systems on other ones, their interaction etc. In such a case the following provision should be regarded as dominant: if legal mentality is the criterion for separation of legal systems, in the same manner it (with due regard for its national, ethnic and other characteristics) can be a tool of legal acculturation. The use of this technique allows taking into account the axiological elements of the concepts of “law” and “legal system”, thus making it possible not only to correct the understanding of law, but also to ensure the possibility of determining the prospects of legal acculturation and the impact on its efficiency.


Keywords legal systems; legal acculturation; reception of law; legal transplantations; lability of legal systems; mentality


Authored books

1. Watson A, Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law (Scottish Academic Press 1974) (in English).

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Edited books

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Journal articles

25. Kharytonov E and Kharytonova O, ‘Reception of law and law adaptation as forms of interaction of legal systems’ (2015) 12.1 Young Scientist 151-4 (in English).

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