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Article Doctrinal Ideas and Objectives of Administrative Law

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2019
Pages 13 - 28

The article analyzes the impact which legal doctrine has on the development of administrative law. The author argues that the ideas, theoretical constructs and views on the course of development of society and the State originating in the doctrine of law lay the foundations for formulating the rules of conduct which are further objectified in legislative provisions. Administrative law is considered to be particularly dependent on ideological paradigms. At the current stage of civil society establishment and state-building, the optimal model is being searched for legal regulation of relations between an individual and the State in the public administration domain. The constitutional provisions are the basis for the development of administrative and legal doctrine, most significant among them being the provision that Ukraine is a rule-of-law state, and an individual, his/her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized as the highest social value, and also that public authorities, local self-government bodies and their officials should act only on the basis, within the powers and in the manner provided for by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. The concept of “human-centric” which originated in the Constitution of Ukraine and was supported by the absolute majority of administrativists has become the key pillar towards which scientific research in the administrative law domain tends. It has formed the idea of administrative law as that aimed at the implementation and protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of an individual and a citizen. As a manifestation of “human-centric”, the tools of administrative and legal science have been supplemented with the category of “subjective public rights”, and this plays a fundamental role in confirming that an individual is offered an opportunity on his/her own initiative to enter into relations with public administration and require that the latter behaves in the manner compliant with the needs of this individual. The author notes that subjective public rights are the conditions for implementation of the fundamental human and civil rights enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. The idea of administrative procedure is becoming increasingly important for administrative law; its essence is to establish the duties of the subjects vested with power to make decisions concerning individuals in compliance with the unified rules, the most essential among them being the following: assurance of an individual’s right to be heard when his/her case is considered, assurance of the right to participate in the administrative procedure in person or by proxy, specification of legal remedies, the need to provide a substantiation of the decision made against an individual, and access of an individual to the information about his/her case. The author states that an objective of administrative law is, inter alia, to develop a legal mechanism capable of meeting the public interest. The author indicates the ways to achieve this as follows: firstly, activities of the subjects of public administration aimed at the implementation of laws relating to the organization and functioning of certain institutions which objectify the needs of different individuals – citizens, associations, and the State. These areas of life include health, education, national security, defense, public order etc. Secondly, another way to assure compliance with the public interest is seen in the capability of the representatives of power to restrict the rights and freedoms of individuals owing to the needs which a democratic society has, such as due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others, fair requirements of morality, public order and general welfare.


Keywords administrative law doctrine; human-centric concept; administrative procedure; assurance of public interest


Authored books

1. Kremen V, Filosofiia liudynotsentryzmu v stratehiiakh osvitnoho prostoru [Philosophy of Human-Centeredness in the Strategies of Educational Space] (Pedahohichna dumka 2008) (in Ukrainian).

2. Semenikhin I, Pravova doktryna: zahalnoteoretychnyi analiz [Legal Doctrine: General Theoretical Analysis] (Yurait 2012) (in Ukrainian).

3. Tymoshchuk V, Administratyvni akty: protsedura pryiniattia ta prypynennia dii [Administrative Acts: Procedure for Acceptance and Termination] (Konus-Iu 2010) (in Ukrainian).


Edited and translated books

4. Berman G, Zapadnaja tradicija prava: jepoha formirovanija [Western Tradition of Law: the Era of Formation] (per s angl, 2-e izd, Infra-M 1998) (in Russian).

5. Bevzenko V ta inshi (uklad), Nauka administratsii y administratyvnoho prava. Zahalna chastyna (za vykladamy profesora Yuriia Paneika) [The Science of Administration and Administrative Law. The General Part (According to the Teachings of Professor Yurii Paneiko)] (Dakor 2016) (in Ukrainian).

6. Boiko I ta Zyma O ta Soloviova O, ‘Administratyvna protsedura yak instytut administratyvnoho prava’ [‘Administrative Procedure as an Institute of Administrative Law’] v Pytannia administratyvnoho prava [Administrative Law Questions], kn 2 (2018) 140-51 (in Ukrainian).

7. Bytiak Yu, ‘Nauka administratyvnoho prava Ukrainy: poniattia, predmet, metodolohiia doslidzhennia (administratyvnykh) pravovidnosyn’ [‘The Science of Administrative Law of Ukraine: Concept, Subject, Methodology of Research (Administrative) Legal Relations’] v Tatsii V ta inshi (redkol), Pravova doktryna Ukrainy [The Legal Doctrine of Ukraine], t 2: Publichno-pravova doktryna Ukrainy [Public-Law Doctrine of Ukraine] (Pravo 2013) 161-86 (in Ukrainian). 8. Filosofskyi entsyklopedychnyi slovnyk [Philosophical Encyclopedia Dictionary] (Shynkaruk V I hol redkol, Abrys 2002) (in Ukrainian).

9. Hauder P, Verkhovenstvo prava v realnomu sviti [The Rule of Law in the Real World] (per z anhl, Pravo 2018) (in Ukrainian).

10. Liukhterhandt O, ‘Admynystratyvnaia yustytsyia – kliuchevoi ynstytut demokratycheskoho pravovoho hosudarstva’ [‘Administrative Justice is the Key Institution of a Democratic Legal State’] v Administratyvni protsedury i administratyvne sudochynstvo v Ukraini: zbirnyk materialiv [Administrative Procedures and Administrative Proceedings in Ukraine: a Collection of Materials] (2006) (in Russian).

11. Melnyk R (zah red), Zahalne administratyvne parvo: navchalnui posibnyk [General Administrative Law: Tutorial] (Vaite 2014) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

12. Aver’ianov V, ‘Onovlennia doktrynalnykh zasad ukrainskoho administratyvnoho prava u svitli yevrointehratsiinykh vymoh’ [‘Updating the Doctrinal Principles of Ukrainian Administrative Law in the Light of European Integration Requirements’] (2010) 3 Yurydychna Ukraina 4-10 (in Ukrainian).

13. Boiko I, ‘Administratyvna protsedura: poniattia, oznaky y vydy’ [‘Administrative Procedure: Concepts, Features and Types’] (2017) 33 Derzhavne budivnytstvo ta mistseve samovriaduvannia 113-25 (in Ukrainian).

14. Konstantyi O, ‘Kontseptsiia “sub’iektyvnykh publichnykh prav” yak ob’iekta zakhystu v administratyvnomu sudochynstvi: porivnialno-pravovyi analiz pidkhodiv do zastosuvannia v nimetskii ta vitchyznianii praktytsi’ [‘The Concept of “Subjective Public Rights” as an Object of Protection in Administrative Proceedings: a Comparative Legal Analysis of Approaches to Application in German and Domestic Practice’] (2014) 1 Porivnialno-analitychne pravo 159-62 (in Ukrainian). 15. Matselyk T, ‘Sub’iektyvne publichne pravo yak yurydychnyi fenomen’ [‘Subjective Public Law as a Legal Phenomenon] (2011) 3 Yurydychnyi visnyk 67-71 (in Ukrainian).

16. Melnyk R, ‘Kontseptsiia liudynotsentryzmu u suchasnii doktryni administratyvnoho prava’ [‘The Concept of Human Centeredness in the Modern Doctrine of Administrative Law’] (2015) 10 Pravo Ukrainy 157-65 (in Ukrainian).

17. Shkolyk A, ‘Administratyvna protsedura ta yii spivvidnoshennia z sumizhnymy poniattiamy’ [‘Administrative Procedure and its Relation with Related Concepts’] (2014) 59 Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Seriia yurydychna 185-93 (in Ukrainian).

18. Shkolyk A, ‘Vyklyky stanovlennia zakonodavstva pro administratyvnu protseduru na suchasnomu etapi’ [‘Challenges for the Formation of Legislation on Administrative Procedures at the Present Stage’] (2012) 55 Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Seriia yurydychna 134-8 (in Ukrainian).

19. Yevhrafova Ye, ‘Doktryna u pravovii nautsi i yurydychnii praktytsi’ [‘Doctrine in Jurisprudence and Legal Practice’] [2013] 2(73) Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 52-62 (in Ukrainian).

20. Zaverukha O, ‘Sub’iektyvni publichni prava hromadian yak ob’iekt sudovoho zakhystu’ [‘Subjective Public rights of Citizens as an Object of Judicial Protection’] (2004) 4 Pravo Ukrainy 49-52 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

21. Ezhegodnik publichnogo prava 2018: principy administrativnyh procedur i administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva [Principles of Administrative Procedures and Administrative Proceedings] (Infotropik Media 2018) (in Ukrainian).

22. Melnyk R, ‘Instytut administratyvnoi protsedury: deiaki propozytsii shchodo yoho zmistu’ [‘Institute of Administrative Procedure: Some Suggestions on its Content’] v Administratyvne pravo Ukrainy: stan i perspektyvy rozvytku: zbirnyk naukovykh prats [The Administrative Law of Ukraine: the State and Prospects of Development: a Collection of Scientific Works] (Instytut derzhavy i prava im V M Koretskoho NAN Ukrainy 2011) 119-28 (in Ukrainian).

23. Pukhtetska A, ‘Rozvytok doktrynalnykh polozhen nauky administratyvnoho prava Ukrainy z urakhuvanniam vymoh yevropeiskoho administratyvnoho prava’ [‘Development of Doctrinal Provisions of Science of Administrative Law of Ukraine Taking into Account the Requirements of European Administrative Law’] v Porivnialne pravoznavstvo: suchasnyi stan i perspektyvy rozvytku: zbirnyk naukovykh prats [Comparative Law: Current State and Prospects: a Collection of Scientific Works] (Lohos 2010) 277-9 (in Ukrainian).



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