Article | Nature of Liability of Public Administration Entities Relating to Public Property Use |
Authors |
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor Administrative Law Department of the Law Faculty Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5866-7612 Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2019 |
Pages | 151 - 163 |
Annotation | In case of using public property, a public administration entity may act unlawfully, in particular, when an authority’s decision is not implemented in the manner prescribed by law, or when there is unlawful inaction. Undoubtedly, in case an authorized person’s request is satisfied, a public administration entity, by virtue of, within the powers and in the manner established by law, is under the obligation to implement all of the appropriate and necessary measures, and to apply, change or cancel relevant public administration activity tools, make adequate decisions, and submit relevant requirements to third parties. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the essence of public administration entity’s liability as an institute in the context of relations involving the use of public property. Further scientific research is required to understand the liability which public administration entities have in the context of relations involving the use of public property as legal relations of law enforcement and regulation in accordance with the functional criterion. The article addresses the controversial aspects of determining the essence of public administration entity’s liability in the context of relations involving the use of public property with due regard for the European standards. The author interprets the essence of relations arising in connection with the use of public property, including in terms of the multidimensional subject measurement of the liability mechanism of public administration entities, and also the forms of the procedure for making public administration entities liable. The author elucidates the legal nature of liability which public administration entities have when using public property, and gives its definition in accordance with the functional criterion as legal relations of law enforcement and regulation, involving a mandatory participant which is the State represented by special-purpose bodies, and the offender (in particular, a public administration entity), which faces negative consequences and undertakes to fulfill additional obligations based on the coercion by the State, or in the preventive dimension – regulations established by provisions of law in terms of implementation of the mechanism of public administration entity’s liability for torts relating to public property use. The author investigated the social dimension of such liability. The article proves that owing to understanding of the nature of public administration entity’s liability relating to public property use, if it is full and consistent with the current level of law and order, the development prospects of this liability as an institution may be characterized, in particular, in terms of payment of damages, irrespective of a prejudicial or extrajudicial decision used. The author shows the specifics of the theoretical and fundamental, objective and positive, and subjective institutional and procedural dimensions of public administration entity’s liability relating to the use of public property through the lens of anthropocentrism within the triad of regulative framework, subjective and objective dimension and substantial dynamics.
Keywords | public property; legal regime; public interest; public administration; legal liability; offense |
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