Article | The Subject Matter of Administrative Law as an “Evergreen” Story of the Administrative Law Science |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding member of the National academy of legal sciences of Ukraine, Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, Judge of the Cassation Administrative Court of the Supreme Court (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2019 |
Pages | 29 - 45 |
Annotation | The article focuses on the problematization of the subject matter of administrative law as a phenomenon of the essence at each development and establishment stage of this branch of public law. The purpose of the article is to highlight the fact that heated discussions currently underway with regard to the subject matter of administrative law and its components can and should find their logical outcome. Legal scholars should agree on what should be considered the subject matter of administrative law and should eventually determine which social relations make it up. This, in contrast to the exact sciences, is possible and appropriate. The author establishes that currently within the administrative law framework it is increasingly important to attempt at having an impartial objective view on its subject matter. This is a phenomenon characterized by theoretical, methodological and systemforming significance. This is not an exaggeration, since the subject matter which is intended to answer the question “what is studied by this branch?” actually points to the list, awareness and understanding of the component parts – social relations regulated by the provisions of this branch of law. The author emphasizes that the subject matter answers the question “what is studied by?” administrative law, not “what was studied by?” (a retrospective view) or “what will be studied by?” (a prospective view). It is noted that, unfortunately, the science of administrative law often does not function proactively, but rather post factum, with an attempt to analyze what has already become a legally binding decision of entities vested with public power. This approach does not appear to be optimal. And, as it is noted in the article, this is true not only with regard to the exercise of power of the State (in the broad sense) in certain areas of public life, but also with regard to the development of administrative law as a science and a curriculum subject. If this area is reformed without a prior involvement of experts and without a wide public discussion, the results of such a reform will be inevitably questioned. The author pays particular attention to singling out the characteristic features of the subject matter of administrative law, which include: a homogeneous nature of relevant social relations (otherwise these social relations are regulated by several branches of law); a qualitative difference between social relations making up the subject matter of administrative law; the need to take into account the Concept of administrative law reform in Ukraine, within which the scientific views on the subject matter of administrative law have been considerably updated; avoidance of the exclusive “administration” nature of public relations comprising the subject matter of administrative law. The author has formulated his own standpoint regarding expansion or narrowing of the subject matter of administrative law. The author believes that expansion of the subject matter of administrative law should not become an end in itself or an uncontrolled process where the social relations comprising it will eventually become something difficult to be classified based on certain common features and characteristics. At the same time, a dispersion of the subject matter of administrative law by singling out legal entities which further claim to have an independent status should not be subjective but should be based on solid grounds and be in demand by legal science and law application practice.
Keywords | subject matter of administrative law; administrative law; public administration entity; legal relations; Concept of administrative law reform |
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