Article | Value-Related Challenges of Administrative Procedure Legislation |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor Public Law Disciplines Department Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor Public Law Disciplines Department Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2019 |
Pages | 63 - 79 |
Annotation | The article focuses on the adoption of the codified act on administrative procedures as a new stage in the development of procedural legislation which establishes certain legal orders for resolution of administrative disputes (cases arising from administrative and other public relations). It is noted that, unfortunately, in this area of administrative legal relations there is an “unrealized potential” of the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of creating an administrative procedure form for the exercise of public administration. This is confirmed, in particular, by the gaps in the system of administrativelaw regulation of relations pertaining to the adoption of administrative acts; contradictions in the process of improving administrative procedure legislation; and finally, the backlog in the development of administrative-law theory of the approaches formed in the European countries, as well as principles and priorities of research in the area of juridification of public administration and legal arrangement of the interaction of administrative bodies and citizens with the aim of ensuring their rights and legitimate interests. And all this at the time when the need to satisfy the rights and legitimate interests of individuals during interaction with public authorities provides for clearly defined principles and rules which form the administrative procedure. The purpose of the article is to analyze – with due regard for legislative and practical aspects – the approaches which exist in the administrative law doctrine and are applied to the adoption of the administrative procedure code as the basic regulatory legal act intended to regulate the provision of administrative services by executive authorities and local self-government bodies. The author comes to the conclusion that the adoption of the administrative procedure code makes possible the following: to establish the proper procedure for implementation of administrative actions within one of the most important legal forms of public administration; to form the basis for efficient assurance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations interacting with public power and its bodies; to impart proper systematicity and robust structure to administrative-law regulation of administrative relations; not only to harmonize the internal structure of the administrative-law regulation mechanism, but also to create the basis for efficient court protection in administrative cases, i.e., to ensure fair and legitimate resolution of administrative and other public disputes; to resolve the tasks of administrative court proceedings set by the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine (CAP of Ukraine) at all stages forming this type of exercise of judicial power. The operation of this Code will ensure a further development of the administrative procedure form, the main contours of which are now entrenched in CAP of Ukraine, and, undoubtedly, will create the opportunities for forming of new scientific ideas and a theoretical model of administrative process as a court process.
Keywords | administrative court proceedings; administrative regulation; administrative acts; procedural form; public disputes; administrative relations; court protection, administrative procedure legislation |
References | Bibliography
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