Article | Limits of Emergency Legal Regulation: Doctrinal Definitions |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine (m. Odesa, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2019 |
Pages | 101 - 110 |
Annotation | Efficient legal regulation of relations arising in the context of various sociopolitical and military conflicts, natural disasters, man-made accidents and catastrophes was usually implemented by using emergency measures which differ from those used under normal circumstances. In such a situation, legal regulation is associated with the concept of emergency administrative-law regimes and their development is closely linked to the development of the modern doctrine of national security of Ukraine and has been incorporated into the legal science under the title of “emergency legal regulation”, and in particular, it is known in the science of administrative law as “administrative and legal regulation”. This article aims at studying the modern doctrinal requirements to the limits of emergency legal regulation. The article investigates into the modern doctrinal approaches to the limits of emergency legal regulation. The author analyzes major doctrines of emergency legal regulation and identifies the features of its legal limits and the concept of the same. It is found that legal restrictions rest upon the proportionality principle which is based on the concept of “an event of exceptional and imminent danger threatening the life of the nation”, “when imposing restrictions, the State is under the obligation to prove that they do not harm the democratic life of society.” The author comes to the conclusion that a separate group can be singled out to include the limits of emergency legal regulation which are formulated in the legal science but have no practical entrenchment in legislation. The legal limits of emergency regulation are the legal framework for the application of emergency regulation by which the State restricts the interference in the life of an individual and society. The limits of emergency legal regulation are the limits of objective and subjective nature determined by legislation and international legal acts within which a special and exceptional legal influence is exercised on public relations under emergency circumstances.
Keywords | legal regulation; emergency administrative-law regimes; emergency legal regulation; emergency legal regulation doctrines; legal limits of emergency legal regulation |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Loening E, Lehrbuch des Deutschen Verwaltungsreechts (Leipcig 1884) (in German). 2. Tingsten H, Les pleins pouvoirs. L’expansion des pouvoirs gouvernementaux pendantet après la Grande Guerre (Librairie Stock 1934) (in French). 3. Agamben D, HOMO SACER. Chrezvychaynoye polozheniye [HOMO SACER. State of Emergency] (Yevropa 2011) (in Russian). 4. Gessen V, Isklyuchitel’noye polozheniye [Exceptional Position] (Yuridicheskaya kniga sklad “Pravo” 1908) (in Russian). 5. Deryuzhinskiy V, Politseyskoye pravo: posobiye dlya studentov [Police Law: A Handbook for Students] (Senatskaya tipografiya 1908) (in Russian). 6. Dugin A, Konservativnaya revolyutsiya [Conservative Revolution] (Arktogeya 1994) <> (accessed: 10.01.2019) (in Russian). 7. Korkunov N, Ukaz i zakon [Decree and Law] (Tipografiya M M Stasyulevicha 1894) (in Russian). 8. Locke J, Dva traktata o pravlenii. Sochineniya v trekh tomakh [Two Treatises on the Board], t 3 (Mysl’ 1988) (in Russian). 9. Magaziner Ya, Chrezvychayno-ukaznoye pravo v Rossii [Extremely Specified Right in Russia] (Tipografiya M M Stasyulevicha 1911) (in Russian). 10. Telitsyn V, Entsiklopediya Tret’yego reykha [Encyclopedia of the Third Reich] (LOKIDPRESS; RIPOL klassik 2005) (in Russian).
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Conference papers 14. Musaeva A, ‘Vykorystannya ekstrennykh zasobiv yak zasobu zapobihannya kryzovykh sytuatsiy v derzhavi’ [‘Use of Emergency Means as a Means of Preventing Crisis Situations in the State’] v Nauchnyy dialog: voprosy sotsiologii, politologii, filosofii i istorii: mezhdunarodnaya zaochnaya onlayn-konferentsiya [Scientific Dialogue: Questions of Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy and History: International Correspondence online Conference] <> (accessed: 10.01.2019) (in Russian).
Theses 15. Shmidt T, ‘Chrezvychaynoye pravovoye regulirovaniye: obshcheteoreticheskoye issledovaniye’ [‘Emergency Legal Regulation: a General Theoretical Study’] (dis kand yurid nauk, Altayskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet 2014) (in Russian).
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