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Article The Worldview Core of Citizenship: from Traditional to Emancipation Values

Ph.D. in Law, ORCID ID: Researcher ID: sofi


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2019
Pages 138 - 150

The modern concept of citizenship is undergoing gradual transformation under the influence of major geopolitical changes, permanent civilizational and globalization challenges. No longer is citizenship an exclusive legal sign indicating that an individual is a part of a certain State because a meaningful and understandable schematization is changing: an individual as a citizen becomes increasingly weighty (gets value in terms of social and political life of the State), his/her rights are backed up by the State’s guarantee despite the place of his/her birth and residence.

As the basic motivation to explore the worldview core of citizenship, there appears the objective of comprehensive disclosure of the citizenship concept, with due regard for the arguments of its human and universal character. The author formulates the legal narrative in the modern anthroposphere of citizenship as a mechanism to ensure democratism of the State and manifest legal identity of people as a keystone segment of each State, with identification of its traditional/emancipative values at the same time.

The article attempts at outlining the worldview core of citizenship in the context of the relations triad “individual – State – society”, with account taken of the common and divergent features of traditional as well as emancipative values within the establishment of citizenship as an institution. The article highlights the achievements by those scholars (R. Baubiuka, R. Bellamy, R. Brubaker, P. Vale, J. Habermas, D. Hiter, S. Holovatyi, R.-J. de Groot, K. Joppke, J. Kerens, V. Kymlika, B. Kistiakivskyi, N. Koziubra, T. Marshall, O. Poiedynok, P. Spiro, V. Starosolskyi, A. Shakhar, P. Shchuka, and others) who earlier explored the value paradigm of citizenship and legal identity of an individual in the context of globalization, migration and human rights.

Relevant analytical and statistical expert reports and forecasts provide clear guidance for a further modernization of intellectual segmentation of citizenship models and elements. A rethinking of the ideological core of citizenship is characterized by the establishment of the triad of relations “individual – State – society” constant in time and space, with due regard for the permanent civilizational and globalization challenges (which are mostly anthropogenic).

The value orientation to be adhered to in the development of the State and society should be the comprehension of citizenship as a legal and efficient connection between the State and an individual which is constant in time and space, without specifying an individual’s ethnical origin, and which involves a certain set (legally defined and enshrined) of mutual rights, duties and privileges. Regardless of when and how citizenship is acquired, its value characteristics depend solely on the awareness, rooting and integration of an individual.


Keywords citizenship; traditional values; emancipative values; human-centrism


Authored books

1. Bauböck R, Stakeholder Citizenship: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? (Migration Policy Institute 2008) (in English).

2. Bellamy R, Citizenship: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press 2008) (in English). 3. Brubaker R, Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany (Cambridge University Press 1992) (in English).

4. Heater D, A Brief History of Citizenship (New York University Press 2004) (in English).

5. Heater D, What is Citizenship (Polity Press 1999) (in English).

6. Kisti︠a︡kovskiĭ B, Gesellschaft und Einzelwesen: eine Methodologische Untersuchung (Verlag von Otto Liebmann 1899) (in German).

7. Marshall T, Citizenship and Social Class and other essays (Cambridge University Press 1950) (in English).

8. Abbat Siyes, Ot Burbonov k Bonaparu [Abbé Sieyès: from Bourbon to Bonaparte] (Aleteya 2003) (in Russian).

9. Ohienko I, Slownyk sliw, u literaturnij movi ne wzgywanykh [Dictionary of Words not Used in Literature] (Biblioteka terminolohichnykh slovnykiv i monohrafii 1973) (in Ukrainian).

10. Sofinska I, Filosofsko-pravova viziia doktryny hromadianstva [Philosophical and Legal Vision of Citizenship Doctrine] (Kameniar 2018) (in Ukrainian).

11. Starosolskyi V, Derzhava i politychne pravo, ch 1 [State and Political Law] (Vydavnyche Tovarystvo pry Ukrainskii Hospodarskii Akademii v Ch.S.R. 1925) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

12. Habermas J, ‘Citizenship and National Identity’ in Condition of Citizenship (Politics & Culture Series) (Steenbergen Bart Van ed, SAGE Publications 1994) (in English).

13. Carens J, ‘Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders’ in Kymlicka W (ed), The Rights of Minority Cultures (Oxford University Press 1995) (in English).

14. Joppke Ch, ‘Liberal Citizenship Is Duty-Free’ in RSCAS “Should EU citizenship be dutyfree?” (European University Institute 2017) (in English).

15. Shachar A and Bauböck R and Bloemraad I and Vink M and (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship (Oxford University Press 2017) (in English).

16. Spiro P, At Home In Two Countries: The Past and Future of Dual Citizenship (New York University Press 2016) (in English).

17. Schuck P, ‘Three Models of Citizenship’ in Greve M and Zoller M (eds), Citizenship in America and Europe: Beyond the Nation-State? (AEI Press 2009) (in English).

18. Poiedynok O, ‘Nekonventsiine pravo? Pravo na hromadianstvo v praktytsi Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny ta Yevropeiskoi komisii z prav liudyny’ [‘Non-Conventional Law? Right to Citizenship in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Commission of Human Rights’] v Repetskyi V ta Hutnyk V (red), Suchasni problemy mizhnarodnoho prava. Liber Amicorum do 60-richchia prof. M.V. Buromenskoho [Modern Issues of International Law. Liber Amicorum to the 60th Anniversary of Prof. M.V. Buromenskyi] (Feniks 2017) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

19. Gershoy L Barère, ‘Champion of Nationalism in the French Revolution’ [1927] 42(3) Political Science Quarterly 419-30 (in English).

20. Spiro P, ‘The (Dwindling) Rights and Obligations of Citizenship’ [2013] 21(899) William & Mary Bill Rights Journal 899-923 (in English).

21. Weil P, ‘From conditional to secured and sovereign: The new strategic link between the citizen and the nation-state in a globalized world’ [2011] 9(3-4) International Journal of Constitutional Law 615-35 (in English).

22. Koziubra M, ‘Pryntsypy prava: metodolohichni pidkhody do rozuminnia pryrody ta klasyfikatsii v umovakh suchasnykh hlobalizatsiinykh transformatsii’ [‘Principles of Law: Methodological Approaches to Comprehension of the Nature and Classification in the Context of Modern Globalization Transformations’] (2017) 11 Pravo Ukrainy 143 (in Ukrainian).

23. Sofinska I, ‘Efekt konsiumeryzmu v kontseptsii hromadianstva’ [‘The Effect of Consumerism in the Concept of Citizenship’] (2016) 71 Derzhava i pravo 203-14 (in Ukrainian).


Newspaper articles

24. Weil P, ‘Mission d’étude des législations de la nationalité et de l’immigration: rapports au Premier ministre’ < 994001043.pdf> (accessed: 21.04.2019) (in French).

25. Holovatyi S, ‘Entsyklopediina dyversiia “akademikiv” prava!’ [‘Encyclopedia Sabotage of “Academicians” Law!’] (“Den”, 10 chervnia 2015) < ua/uk/article/podrobyci/encyklopediyna-dyversiya-akademikiv-prava> (accessed: 22.02.2019) (in Ukrainian).



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