Article | Specific National Features of Social Welfare Legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany: Experience for Ukraine |
Authors |
Ph.D. in Law, Senior Research Assistant Law Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2019 |
Pages | 184 - 197 |
Annotation | In the context of the European integration course of Ukraine, issues of borrowing the European countries’ experience pertaining to the reforms in various sectors and the adoption of efficient legislation are still relevant. No exception is social welfare, which is at a qualitatively higher level in the European countries as compared to Ukraine. Therefore, Ukrainian scholars have the task of exploring the specific national features of social welfare legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany) and formulating the proposals for improvement of Ukraine’s social welfare legislation. Germany is known for its high social standards and centuries-old experience of law-making, and therefore, it is crucial that Ukraine draw on the experience of such countries. The purpose of the article is to analyze social welfare legislation of Germany, identify its strong and weak aspects, compare German social welfare legislation with social welfare legislation of Ukraine, mark out the areas where positive experience may be borrowed, and formulate proposals for improvement of social welfare legislation of Ukraine. The author ascertains that social welfare legislation in Germany and Ukraine are similar, since the types of social welfare benefits (except for housing allowance) applied in Germany are also typical for Ukraine, for example, we have a similar pension system. A significant advantage of the German social welfare system is its economic capabilities, which, despite the shortage of social funds, allow maintaining a consistently high social welfare level, and another advantage is codification of social welfare legislation through which the entirety of social norms is collected within a single statutory instrument. As a conclusion, the author maintains that the social welfare experience of Germany is useful for Ukraine primarily in terms of codification of social welfare legislation. As for other areas, it should be emphasized that Ukraine is lacking financial possibilities to enhance social support of the population. The need to resolve economic problems is the main prerequisite for improving the level of social welfare in Ukraine.
Keywords | social welfare legislation; legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany; social welfare legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany; improvement of social welfare legislation of Ukraine |
References | Bibliography
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Websites 8. ‘Pensiina systema Nimechchyny’ [‘Pension System of Germany’] <http://www.uaib.> (accessed: 11.04.2019) (in Ukrainian). 9. ‘Systema sotsialnoho zabezpechennia u Nimechchyni’ [‘How is Social Security in Germany?’] < html> (accessed: 11.04.2019) (in Ukrainian).
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