Article | Development of the Doctrine of Council of Europe Law and Interactions between International and National Legal Orders |
Authors |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2019 |
Pages | 119 - 131 |
Annotation | The increasing role of international law in international relations calls for new approaches to assessing how it correlates with national legislation, and also for the ways to improve the mechanisms by which international treaties and acts of international organizations may be implemented in national legal orders of the Member States. Acts by the bodies of the Council of Europe and the European Union (EU), as well as international law in general, have an impact on the making and application of statutory instruments within national legal systems. Acts adopted by bodies of international organizations, as well as provisions of international law, may serve as a model for national legal regulation, or public authorities should consider respective international legal implications when adopting a relevant statutory instrument. The purpose of the article is to identify the specific features of legal systems of the Council of Europe and the EU, the relationship between the EU law provisions with the provisions of constitutions of the Member States, and also the place held by acts of the Council of Europe and the EU in national legal orders of the Member States. Upon the comparison of the legal mechanisms through which legal systems of the Council of Europe and the EU interact with national legal systems, the author ascertains that both mechanisms are objectively necessary since they facilitate the compatibility of different legal systems of Europe and their ability to interact with each other. Furthermore, while drafting each legal act, the Member States of the Council of Europe and the EU may provide for a special mechanism or procedure for the implementation thereof. Accordingly, the very nature of legal acts and the intention of the States should condition the implementation process. Irrespective of the attitude to the international law provisions proclaimed by the States, in practice they seek to develop additional legal mechanisms to assure the national legal framework conductive to the efficient implementation of the acts adopted by the Council of Europe and the EU institutions.
Keywords | legal system; acts of international organizations’ bodies; the Constitution; the Council of Europe; the European Union; the rule of law; direct effect of law |
References | Bibliography
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