Article | The Conceptual Framework for the Reforms of the State Penal and Correctional Service of Ukraine and Probation |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Head of the Institute of Criminal-Executive Service (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2019 |
Pages | 14 - 39 |
Annotation | To transform the vector of a punishment purpose towards behavior correction and re-socialization of convicts, fundamental changes are needed in the penal and correctional system of Ukraine, as well as improvement and development of the probation system on the whole, and the penitentiary system in particular. At this point, numerous shortcomings in the area of punishment enforcement and probation may only be overcome by implementing a reform of the systems aimed at gradually establishing an efficient system of penitentiary management based on scientific principles and on the ground of conceptual acts, and this system should be sufficiently transparent for the public and ensure the maximum observance of human and civil rights. This article intends at making a scientific study followed by a visual justification of the key measures necessary in order to proceed with the reforming, improvement and development of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine (SCES of Ukraine) and probation in line with the requirements of society, international standards and modern trends. Currently, new ways and paradigms for forming the national penal and correctional and post-criminal (probation, correction and adaptation) models are being searched for with due regard for international standards and foreign practice. This search should culminate in the introduction of a penal enforcement mechanism which, on the one part, ensures that the purpose of punishment and penal legislation is achieved without violating the rights and legitimate interests of convicts, and on the other part, ensures that measures are taken to re-socialize and reintegrate a convict into society as its fullfledged member. Despite the fact that reforms and the development of Ukraine’s SCES and probation are permanent and continue to this day, unfortunately, it is impossible to talk about their 100% result and successful completion. Today, the main attention should be focused on the following aspects: improvement of the legislative framework; introduction and development of psychological correction work, social rehabilitation and integration into society; improvement of imprisonment conditions; transition from static to dynamic safety; development of the HR policy and social protection of staff; medical care; introduction of new, more efficient punishment enforcement methods and other measures of influence under criminal law which do not imply isolation from society; a change of the approach to establishment and development of labor activities; development of convicts’ professional skills by making them involved in labor; introduction of a full-fledged system of general education and vocational training; development of interaction with the state, international, non-governmental, religious organizations, and the mass media. At the present stage, the following principles should form the basis of the reform of Ukraine’s DKVS and probation: professional motivated staff; rehabilitation of prisoners and convicts with the aim of preparing them for return to society; re-socialization as the main criterion during and after serving the sentence; constant introduction of advanced technical and technological innovations; openness to society; and adequate funding. Therefore, objectively assessing the current situation and given the existing problems and possible ways of addressing them, it is exceptionally urgent, relevant and substantiated to present a new vision of the Concept for the reform of Ukraine’s SCES and probation, which is the most appropriate at this stage in the form proposed by us.
Keywords | concept of reform; the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine; probation; social adaptation; psychological correction work; polyfunctional institution; multifunctional interdisciplinary specialist |
References | Bibliography
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