Article | Responsibility of the Ukrainian Parliament in the System of the State’s Legal Responsibility: Analysis Under Constitutional Law |
Authors |
PhD, Associate Professor, Vice rector Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2019 |
Pages | 198 - 217 |
Annotation | The article presents the constitutional-law analysis of legal responsibility of the Ukrainian Parliament, in particular: general theoretical and constitutional-law foundations of such responsibility; interrelation between responsibility of the Parliament and responsibility of the State; the specifics of consolidation in constitutional law of the institution of legal responsibility of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada and the practice of its implementation. The purpose of the article is to determine, in the constitutional law perspective, the specifics of the Parliament’s responsibility in the system of legal responsibility of the State. Over recent years, issues relating to legal responsibility of the State turned out to be among the most relevant in the national constitutional-law discourse. And this is quite justified, since the scientific theoretical and the applied levels of making a relevant constitutional-law institution a reality still can not be regarded as satisfactory. At the same time, the protracted crisis of state power prompts scholars and practitioners with an increased interest to search for new forms and types of responsibility of parties to constitutional and political relations, primarily the State and its bodies. Therefore, these estimates objectively encourage deeper scientific investigations in this direction. In this sense, special scientific, theoretical and applied interest is focused on the issues of regarding as the domain and the subject of legal responsibility the Parliament of Ukraine, which is constituted as the only legislative body (article 75 of the Constitution of Ukraine) and the body of representative nature. After all, legal responsibility is naturally considered to be an integral constitutional element of the legal status of the Parliament, as well as any other body of state power, along with its rights and duties (powers). However, until now the Parliament of Ukraine remains, to some extent, an atypical subject of legal responsibility, given a set of the following factors: long existence of mostly prerevolutionary and Soviet constitutional-law ideas about non-responsibility of Parliament as a body of people’s representation; identification of non-responsibility of the Parliament with the absolute model of deputy’s immunity; unavailability of special constitutional and legislative regulation of the subject matter, types, limits of such responsibility and specific sanctions for torts committed by the Parliament; lack of legal institutionalization of the constitutional-law responsibility concept in general and this kind of legal responsibility on the part of the Parliament, in particular, etc. Therefore, it is quite natural that today the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is justly considered one of the most complex collective subjects of legal responsibility. For a long time, the issues relating to legal responsibility of the Ukrainian Parliament have been insufficiently studied in the Ukrainian constitutional-law science. Thus, some issues of legal responsibility of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, its relationship to responsibility of parliamentarians and the State were generally addressed in scientific papers, but the Parliament’s legal responsibility within the system of legal responsibility of the Ukrainian State has not received a coherent and complete picture.
Keywords | Parliament; legal responsibility; the State; subject of responsibility; People’s Deputy; Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Constitutional Court of Ukraine |
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