Article | Why There are no Administrative-Law Studies of the Issues Relating to Private Ownership Alienation for the Social Needs and on the Grounds of Social Necessity |
Authors |
postgraduate (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2019 |
Pages | 247 - 263 |
Annotation | The administrative-law nature of private ownership alienation for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity has been recognized by national and European scholars completely or partially (in cases of justification of a mixed legal nature) for a long time – since pre-revolutionary times till present. However, by now, there has been no administrative-law research of private ownership alienation for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity, both in Ukraine and in the post-Soviet countries. Instead, administrative-law relations arising in this area (in particular, procedures for adoption of administrative acts) are studied within the framework of private-law research. Such a situation with scientific developments on these issues is surprising and requires an explanation which, however, has not been provided. The need to clarify the reasons entailing this situation becomes even more justified given the prompt development of modern administrative law of Ukraine, expansion of its subject matter and system, participants to administrative-law relations and tools of public administration which give the chance to reconsider the settled views, concepts, statutory concepts, etc. The purpose of the article is to detect the reasons for the lack of administrative-law research into the issues relating to private ownership alienation for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity. The author has established that the following main reasons determine why there are no administrative-law studies of the issues relating to private ownership alienation for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity: 1) historical circumstances that created obstacles to the development of administrative-law research into this area of legal relations: late beginning of the establishment and development of administrative law, the October revolution and other events occurring after it, ascension of Soviet power and the ideology imposed by it – those factors in total hindered the development of national administrative law along the path taken by Western European law; 2) development of national legal science towards abandonment and denial of the Soviet ideology and the results of scientific research compliant therewith, and this most likely prompted researchers to formulate the approaches directly opposite to the Soviet ones and led to the dominance of the privatelaw concept of understanding private ownership alienation for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity. The author established that today’s practice of the European States, national and foreign historical experience, and the generally recognized public-law nature of private ownership alienation for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity (completely or partially) indicate that: 1) there is no valid reason why these studies should not be made in the future; 2) it is expedient to make such studies because to some extent this is a standard in well-developed European countries, and besides, this was what our country sought for all the time but could not implement as a result of the mentioned circumstances.
Keywords | expropriation; requisition; alienation of private ownership for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity; buyout of private ownership for the social needs and on the grounds of social necessity |
References | Bibliography
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