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Article Focus of Resocialization and Therapeutic Influences Under Conditions of Isolation

Dr hab., professor, UMK Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń, Polska) ORCID ID:

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2019
Pages 93 - 107

Today’s concepts and scientific theories laying the theoretical basis of resocialization may be divided into several groups characterized by different methodological and praxeological approach. In this context, behavioral (cognitive-behavioral), interactive and multidimensional concepts are discussed most often. Note should also be made of the corrective action models which are implemented in practice and confirmed by efficient results.

The purpose of this article is to characterize and analyze major trends in the resocialization and therapeutic influences which are currently applied to prisoners in isolation.

Unfortunately, various forms of intervention, which are used in the resocialization process and aim at making a former convict abandon criminal behavior, do not always lead to his/her complete social adaptation. Inclination to committing further offences may still mean difficulties in accepting and complying with pro-social rules. Adaptation difficulties can arise in various areas: economic (e.g., getting a job and keeping it), interpersonal (skills needed to create, reproduce and maintain good relations with family members and partners) or emotional ones. For these reasons, resocialization and social readaptation should not be regarded as identical. Social readaptation means the situation where an offender returns to society with an internal conviction not to commit any crimes in the future, with obtaining of favorable and supportive social reactions which help get rid of the status of an offender or a former prisoner, and with getting the opportunities to strengthen personal beliefs and decisions, as well as positive social reactions.

Furthermore, resocialization is a process which is based not only on acquiring of interaction skills, but also on building of relations between an individual and the environment. Its result is an individual’s personal transformation which determines positive relations with the environment and allows the immediate environment believe that the change is efficient, and also means that an individual who broke the law becomes aware that he/she is officially relieved of the deviant’s status.


Keywords resocialization of offenders; criminal behavior; behavioral concepts; interactional concepts; Risk-Need-Responsivity; Good Life Model


Authored books

1. Andrews D A and Bonta J, The psychology of criminal conduct (New Providence NY Anderson Publishing 2010) (in English).

2. Kendall P C and Braswell L, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for impulsive children (Guilford Press 1985) (in English).

3. Konopczyński M, Metody twórczej resocjalizacji (Pedagogium, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2006) (in Polish).

4. Pytka L, Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna. Wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczne i metodyczne (Wydawnictwo WSPS 1995) (in Polish).

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7. Pospiszyl K, Resocjalizacja. Teoretyczne podstawy oraz przykłady oddziaływań. Wydawnictwo Akademickie “Żak” (1998) (in Polish).

8. Rubacha K, Metodologia badań nad edukacją (Wydawnictwo Akademickie i Profesjonalne 2008) (in Polish).

9. Siemaszko A, Granice tolerancji. Wokół teorii zachowań dewiacyjnych (PWN 1993) (in Polish).


Edited books

10. Willis G and Ward T, ‘The good lives model: Evidence that it works’ in Craig L and Dixon L and Gannon T A, What Works in Offender Rehabilitation: An evidence based approach to assessment and Treatment (John Wiley & Sons 2013) (in English).


Journal articles

11. Heffernan R and Ward T, ‘A comprehensive theory of dynamic risk and protective factors’ (2017) 37 Aggression and Violent Behavior 129 (in English).

12. Heffernan R and Ward T, ‘Dynamic Risk Factors, Protective Factors, and ValueLaden Practices’ (2018) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 1080/13218719.2018.1506721 (in English).

13. Martin A M and Hernandez B and Hernandez-Fernaud E and Arregui J L and Hernandez J A, ‘The enhancement effect of social and employment integration on the delay of recidivism of released offenders trained with the R & R programme’ (2010) 16 Psychology, Crime & Law 401 (in English).

14. Moore R, ‘Beyond The Prison Walls. Some Thoughts on Prisoner “Resettlment” in England and Wales’ [2012] 18(4) Criminology and Criminal Justice 134 (in English).

15. Stańdo-Kawecka B, ‘O koncepcji resocjalizacji w polskiej literaturze naukowej polemicznie’ (2010) 1 Probacja 108 (in Polish).


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