Article | Substitution Maintenance Therapy in Detention Facilities: Pro Et Contra |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Senior Researcher, Director of Аcademician Stashis Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2019 |
Pages | 125 - 139 |
Annotation | Today Ukrainian society is facing such a severe problem as non-medical drug abuse spreading at exceptionally high rates. Given that there is no universal means by which this negative phenomenon can be overcome, there is a need to elaborate and use more and more new methods to treat drug addicts. This task becomes even a tougher challenge when it comes to convicted persons, particularly those detained in prison. The purpose of the article is to explore whether it is possible, even at the present stage of reforms of the Ukrainian criminal executive system, to introduce substitution maintenance therapy in detention facilities for all drug addicts in need who are kept in relevant facilities, and to determine the efficiency which this therapy can have. The article proves that introduction of the practice of substitution maintenance therapy should be considered through the prism of a convict’s right to receive medical care while serving his/her sentence. The author also makes an analysis of the factors hindering a further spread of the practice of this therapy not only with regard to those individuals in correctional facilities who serve their sentences, but also with regard to those with the status of detainees, accused, etc. who are kept in other so-called places of deprivation of liberty. Among these factors, the organizational, legal, material, ethical ones, etc. should be noted. Unavailability of substitution maintenance therapy in detention facilities is mostly explained by the vague procedure for its implementation at the level of departmental regulations, and in this connection the author emphasizes the need to accelerate the adoption of the Procedure for interaction of health care institutions, units and bodies of the National Police of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, pre-trial detention centers, penal facilities etc. with a view to implementing substitution maintenance therapy for prisoners with opioid dependence; the draft of this Procedure has already been developed and proposed to the public for discussion. Based on the analysis of Ukrainian legislation and given that other countries have received fairly good results of drug addicts treatment with the use of substitution maintenance therapy programs, the author comes to the conclusion that, basically, there are no insurmountable obstacles to introduction of this therapy in detention facilities.
Keywords | drug dependence; detention facilities; convicted person; right to receive medical care; substitution maintenance therapy |
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