Article | Protective Function of Economic Law |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2019 |
Pages | 15 - 30 |
Annotation | The State’s task to appropriately streamline and efficiently develop economic relations necessitates the availability of a body of legal provisions which can regulate these relations and form the branch of economic law. At the same time, the processes of innovative transformations in public production result in the complication and change of economic relations, and this affects the purpose of legal regulation of economic relations for the sake of ensuring a higher level of their development. With this in mind, there is a need to take a new look at the content of the functions of economic law, in particular, its protective function. The purpose of the article is to elucidate the content and the specific features pertaining to implementation of the protective function of economic law. In the course of the research, the author analyzes scientific views on the functions of law, their characteristics, types of functions of law and importance. Furthermore, the author makes a conclusion that the objective and the functions of economic law are interdependent and interrelated in the context of resolving the issue of establishment and enhancement of the social economic order in the economic system. The author substantiates that if the protective function of economic law is interpreted mainly in the context of protection of violated rights of business entities, this results in a narrowed understanding of this line of the impact made by economic law provisions. Given that economic relations are the result of close intersection and interaction of private and public interests of participants to relations in the economic activity domain, the author argues that this is what determines the content of the protective function of economic law and its objective to maximally ensure the appropriate observance, implementation, use, and application of relevant legal provisions. It is substantiated that for the efficient protection of economic relations and for ensuring the rule of law in economy, the economic law provisions of protection should regulate: 1) measures and conditions for prevention of economic offenses; 2) grounds, forms and methods to protect the rights of participants to relations in the economic activity domain; 3) grounds, measures and procedure for using measures of liability under economic law. With a view to elucidating the specific features of the protective function of economic law, the author characterizes the measures for prevention of economic offences (preventive component), protection of rights and legitimate interests of participants to relations in the economic activity domain (central component) and application of liability under economic law as a component of the protective functions of economic law. Based on the conducted research, the author makes a conclusion that the protective function of economic law is the impact of economic law provisions on the relations in the economic activity domain exerted through the dispositive and imperative methods of legal regulation which ensure the streamlining of economic relations through a combination of the individual business (property) interest and the common social and public needs.
Keywords | functions of law; protective function of economic law; prevention; protection of rights and legitimate interests; liability under economic law |
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