Article | The Concept, Features and Types of Economic-Law Relations on the Markets of Non-Banking Financial Services |
Authors |
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2019 |
Pages | 181 - 194 |
Annotation | The relevance of this article stems from the need for improvement of legal regulation of economic-law relations on the markets of non-banking financial services (NFS), and from a small number of theoretical studies and insufficient elaboration of the issues relating to this legal category. The purpose of the article is to formulate a definition of economic-law relations on the NFS markets, and to highlight their main features and types. Based on the identified main features, to propose a definition of economic-law relations on the NFS markets. To classify these legal relations by different criteria. With the aim of elucidating comprehensively economic-law relations on the NFS markets, the author analyzed the basic views on the definition of the legal relations category in the theory of law and in the studies in the theory of economic law. Following the analysis of the main features inherent in economic-law relations on the NFS markets, the author proposes to define economic-law relations on the NFS markets as social relations regulated by economic-law provisions of the financial service markets legislation which arise in the domain of economy between special economic activity entities and other participants to relations on the NFS markets in the context of organization and conduct of professional financial activities. It is also proposed to single out the common object of economic-law relations on the NFS markets – the actual economic relation pertaining to the provision of non-banking financial services, and the special object – a financial product, including financial assets. The author makes a conclusion that economic-law relations on the NFS markets are a separate type of economic-law relations characterized by their inherent qualifying circumstances: area in which they occur; special (restricted) subjects; special object, content and economic nature of legal relations; a focus on satisfying the interests of participants to such relations; a significant extent of regulation by the State and self-regulation; conscious will-based character; combination of property-based and organizational elements. It is proposed to classify economic-law relations in the NFS markets by the following criteria: nature of legal relations; mutual position of the parties; area of occurrence and effect; areas of professional financial activity.
Keywords | economic-law relations; markets of non-banking financial services; financial assets; professional financial activity. |
References | Bibliography
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