Article | The Concept, Types and Composition of Legal Relations of Trade Intermediary |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0003-0149-0710 Researcher ID: O-4799-2018
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0002-7523-5045 Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2019 |
Pages | 210 - 228 |
Annotation | In the age of trade liberalization, expansion of foreign economic activity conducted by Ukrainian economic entities, and remoteness of suppliers from buyers, there is an objective need to develop the institute of trade intermediaries. The relevance of this topic ensues from the essential role played by trade intermediary relations, and from their insufficient legal regulation and only fragmentary research in the economic law doctrine. The purpose of this article is to formulate the author's definition of “legal relations of trade intermediary”, to classify such relations and ascertain their composition, including in the light of the doctrinal provisions previously covered in professional sources in respect of the legal relations of intermediary which are common as relating to those under study. The article proves that trade intermediary is a mandatory element of the market. The author analyzes a viewpoint according to which the essence of trade intermediary is equated with the concept of trade activity. The author shows that in terms of economy trade activity may be regarded as intermediary, but in terms of law it may not be identified with intermediary. The author gives her own definition of “legal relations of trade intermediary” and formulates their features. Legal relations of trade intermediary are classified by the following criteria: structure, nature, and territory where they occur. The article offers an analysis of the composition of legal relations of trade intermediary. Parties are a qualifying characteristic of trade intermediary relations as a type of intermediary relations. In legal relations of trade intermediary, the customer may be manufacturer, seller (supplier), buyer of goods which has granted (mostly on the basis of a trade intermediary contract) a trade intermediary the right to perform certain legal and (or) factual actions in the area of trade, although mainly in the intermediary’s own name but in the customer’s interests and at the latter’s expense, with the aim of establishing economic relations with third parties for the purpose of sale and (or) purchase of goods. A trade intermediary (the main actor in legal relations of trade intermediary) is an economic activity entity which conducts trade intermediary activity systematically and on a professional basis, according to general rules, on its own behalf but at the expense and in the interests of the customer, and receives a fee for such activity. The object of legal relations of trade intermediary may be defined as: a) trade intermediary service consumed in the process of trade intermediary activity; b) an intangible benefit and (or) a beneficial effect which ensues from the rendered trade intermediary service and for which sake the parties enter into legal relations of trade intermediary. The content of legal relations of trade intermediary is activity (acts) – the process of providing a trade intermediary service in which the counterparties are endowed with respective rights and obligations.
Keywords | intermediary activity; trade activity; trade; trade intermediary; commodity; legal relations of trade intermediary |
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