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Article Types of Organizational and Economic Relations
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2019
Pages 65 - 80

Within the entirety of economic relations, organizational and economic relations figure prominently owing to their impact on any relations in the domain of economic activities. The practice of organizational and economic relations is quite diverse, since such relations are formed in the course of any economic activity and, in fact, between all participants to economic relations. At the same time, such practice is not free of contradictions and conflicts ensuing from the peculiarities of the subjects, the content of these relations and their types. Legislative regulation of various types of such relations is characterized by a range of shortcomings, and doctrinal positions on these issues require further harmonization.

The purpose of the article is to finalize the provisions relating to the types of organizational and economic relations.

The following results are obtained in the study, in particular: 1) the author summarizes the characteristics of organizational and economic relations to which the following is ascribed: one of the mandatory subjects of such relations is the subject of organizational and economic powers; the fact that the subject of organizational and economic powers is capable of exercising, in one form or another, an organizing influence on the activities of an economic entity (another participant of economic relations); limits of influence available to the subject of organizational and economic powers which are established on the basis, within the powers and in the manner provided for by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine or within the scope prescribed by law; rights and obligations of an economic entity (or another participant of economic relations) within the limits established by law, however, not precluding the rights which are not prohibited by law; 2) the author proposes a clarification of the definition of the concept of organizational and economic relations taking into account the aforementioned characteristics of these relations, and makes more specific the range of subjects of organizational and economic powers; 3) the author justifies the classification of organizational and economic relations by the following criteria: subjects; whether a subject is a corporate entity; area of existence (internal or external); whether subjects of these relations have property rights and obligations (organizational and property ones or property and organizational ones).

The author proposes to amend the Economic Code of Ukraine in the manner conductive to an enhancement of the degree of regulation of organizational and economic relations in economic and other legislation, to a more complete exercise by participants to these relations of their rights and obligations, and to streamlining of the court practice relating to the protection of rights and legitimate interests of subjects of these relations.


Keywords KEYWOReconomic powers; economic entity; organization of economic activity; management of economic activity, organizational and economic relations; subject of organizational and



Authored books

1. Belianevych O, Hospodarske dohovirne pravo Ukrainy (teoretychni aspekty) [Economic Contract Law of Ukraine (Theoretical Aspects)] (Iurinkom Inter 2006) (in Ukrainian).

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4. Mamutov V, Predprijatie i vyshestojashhij hozjajstvennyj organ [An Enterprise and a Superior Economic Body] (Juridicheskaja literatura 1969) (in Russian).

5. Milash V, Hospodarske pravo: kurs lektsii [Economic Law: Course of Lectures], ch 1 (Pravo 2008) (in Ukrainian).

6. Milash V, Perspektyvy modernizatsii dohovirnykh pravovidnosyn u sferi hospodariuvannia [Prospects for Modernizing Contractual Legal Relations in the Area of Economic Activity] (KhNUMH 2014) (in Ukrainian).

7. Shcherbyna V, Hospodarske pravo: pidruchnyk [Economic Law: Textbook] (6-te vyd pererob i dop, Yurinkom Inter 2013) (in Ukrainian). Shcherbyna V, Sub’iekty hospodarskoho prava [Subjects of Economic Law] (Iurinkom Inter 2008) (in Ukrainian).

8. Shcherbyna V, Sub’iekty hospodarskoho prava [Subjects of Economic Law] (Iurinkom

Inter 2008) (in Ukrainian).

9. Vikhrov O, Orhanizatsiino-hospodarski pravovidnosyny [Organizational and Economic Legal Relations] (Slovo 2008) (in Ukrainian).

10. Vinnyk O, Hospodarske pravo: navchalnyi posibnyk [Economic Law: Tutorial] (2-he vyd, zmin ta dop, Vseukr asotsiatsiia vydavtsiv “Pravova yednist” 2008) (in Ukrainian).

11. Znamenskij G, Novoe hozjajstvennoe pravo. Izbrannye trudy: sbornik nauchnyh trudov [New Economic Law. Selected Works: Collected Scientific Paper] (Jurinkom Inter 2012)


Edited books

12. Mamutov V (red), Hozjajstvennoe pravo: uchebnik [Economic Law: Textbook] (Jurinkom Inter 2002) (in Russian).


Journal articles

13. Koval V, ‘Orhanizatsiino-hospodarski vidnosyny i zobov’iazannia’ [‘Organizational and Economic Relations and Obligations’] (2011) 3 Ekonomika ta pravo 62 (in Ukrainian).

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15. Shcherbyna V, ‘Pravova pryroda korporatyvnykh vidnosyn’ [‘Legal Nature of Corporate Relations’] (2006) 7 Ukrainske komertsiine pravo 12-4 (in Ukrainian). 16. Vikhrov O, ‘Upravlinnia hospodarskoiu diialnistiu yak katehoriia hospodarskoho prava’ [‘Management of Economic Activity as a Category of Economic Law’] (2007) 12 Pravo Ukrainy 52 (in Ukrainian).



17. Kravets I, ‘Pravove stanovyshche sub’iektiv orhanizatsiino-hospodarskykh povnovazhen’ [‘Legal Status of the Subjects of Organizational and Economic Powers’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2008) (in Ukrainian).

18. Pereverziev O, ‘Hospodarsko-pravove zabezpechennia korporatyvnoho kontroliu v aktsionernykh tovarystvakh’ [‘Economic-Law Support of Corporate Control in JointStock Companies’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2004) (in Ukrainian).

19. Vikhrov O, ‘Orhanizatsiino-hospodarski pravovidnosyny’ [‘Organizational and Economic Legal Relations’] (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2009) (in Ukrainian).


 Dissertations 20. Lukach I, ‘Hospodarsko-pravove rehuliuvannia korporatyvnykh vidnosyn v Ukraini: teoretychni problemy’ [‘Economic-Law Regulation of Corporate Relations in Ukraine: Theoretical Issues’] (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2016) (in Ukrainian).

21. Smitiukh A, ‘Korporatyvni prava ta korporatyvni pai (chastky): teoretyko-pravovi zasady’ [‘Corporate Rights and Corporate Stakes (Shares): Theoretical and Legal Bases’] (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2018) (in Ukrainian).(in Russian).


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