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Article On the Correlation Between and Interrelation of Conceptual Frameworks of the Sciences Within the Criminal Cycle
Mykola Panov

Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2019
Pages 182 - 195

The article focuses on the study of the correlation between and interrelation of conceptual frameworks which can be seen in the sciences comprising the criminal cycle: criminal law, criminal procedure, criminal executive law, criminology, criminalistics, etc., which line up with each other mostly on the basis of the issue of subject matter and pragmatics common for them. More in its generalized form – as a problem. More than combating crime that rests upon a cross-sectoral fundamental scientific basis – the “general theory of combating crime”. The methodological basis upon which these sciences correlate is comprised by the methods of differentiation and integration. The method of differentiation underlies the division of crime-combating knowledge into separate, relatively self-standing groups and their recognition as independent legal sciences. The method of integration points at the processes of convergence and interaction of the sciences, their interpenetration at the level of individual elements of conceptual frameworks: legal categories, concepts, legal terms. Standing separately among them is the class of “interdisciplinary” ones which are used by each science of the criminal cycle (in particular, “crime”, “criminal liability”, “corpus delicti”, “punishment”, “crime perpetrator”) and at the same time are the subject matter of research and elaboration, first of all, in the criminal law science. Based on the division of all sciences within the criminal cycle into fundamental and applied ones, the author proves the need to interpret “interdisciplinary categories, concepts and terms”, where they are used in applied sciences, with due regard for the content and scope which they comprise, mainly, via the science of criminal law being the fundamental science as regards other sciences of this cycle. Other categories, concepts and terms are the subject matter of other (applied) sciences of the criminal cycle. In each case, they should be considered with due regard for their interpretation in the sciences of which they are the subject matter. The proposals and recommendations formulated by the author are essential for the development of scientific research, as well as in the context of lawmaking and law application.


Keywords conceptual frameworks of sciences within criminal cycle; legal categories; legal concepts; legal terminology; differentiation of sciences; integration of sciences; interdisciplinary categories, concepts, terms



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Journal articles

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