Article | The Concept of Criminal Liability Differentiation |
Authors |
Natalia Antoniuk
Candidate of Law, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2019 |
Pages | 196 - 214 |
Annotation | Differentiation of criminal liability is closely linked to justice as the principle of criminal law and criminal law policy. In this context, differentiation of criminal liability is a crucial element in the system of balance between judicial discretion and legislative restrictions thereof. An adequate understanding of this phenomenon is a prerequisite for setting down of a system of criteria, means and legal techniques of differentiation intended for future substantiation of the balanced structure for implementation of criminal liability on the basis of justice. In the science of criminal law, the issue of the concept and signs of differentiation of criminal liability is insufficiently elaborated. The purpose of the article is to define the concept of differentiation of criminal liability. To this end, scientific approaches to this issue should be analyzed and signs characterizing criminal liability differentiation should be identified, as well as signs which are not inherent therein or refer to other related legal institutes. To ensure a differentiated approach to issues of criminal liability, the legislator should take into account the nature and the extent of public danger of an offense and/or public danger of an individual who commits respective acts. Differentiation of criminal liability has two groups of elements as its source material. These are the elements relating to an offence proper and the elements relating to the potential consequences of an offence when it is committed. By combining these elements with each other, liability can be graduated to the maximum extent. Signs of differentiation of criminal liability are as follows: 1) it is an integral part of the principle of justice; 2) it is implemented by an authored actor – legislator; 3) the subject which is differentiated is criminal liability, i.e. the possibility of restrictive influence on a person; 4) it is implemented either in the form of assessment of a group of homogeneous or heterogeneous criminal offences, or in the form of assessment of a person’s features allowing to single out certain typified signs of corpus delicti and typified forms of criminal liability implementation; 5) these measures of influence should be consistent with the nature and extent of public danger of an offence and/or an individual who committed it, on the basis of justice. Differentiation of criminal liability is a variable assessment of groups of homogeneous or heterogeneous criminal offences and/or persons who commit them which is made by the legislator with a view to implementing the principle of justice and which leads to the enshrinement in the Criminal Code of Ukraine of typical signs of crimes and/or various typical forms of potential restrictive influence on a person consistent with the nature and extent of public danger of a crime and/or public danger of a person who committed such a crime.
Keywords | differentiation of criminal liability; justice; nature and extent of public danger |
References | Bibliography
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