Article | Development of Criminology as a Science: The Interdisciplinary Approach |
Authors |
Chris Eskridge
Doctor of Philosophy (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
Andrii Butyrskyi
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: -6709-2018
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2019 |
Pages | 215 - 226 |
Annotation | At the current stage, the science of criminology faces important tasks able to immediately affect the future of each country in particular and humanity in general. The development of criminology as a science calls for an interdisciplinary approach which will allow a new understanding of the objectives of this science, the problems it encounters, as well as the ways to overcome such problems. The article is aimed at achieving scientific comprehension of the current state of criminology as a science and the problems it faces; and at developing the concept of the criminology science on the global scale subject to the multi-disciplinary approach. With a view to elaborating the concept of development of the criminology science, it would be appropriate to borrow positive experience gained in the field of medicine. Criminology, like medicine, has a need for development of preventive as well as “treatment” strategies, as well as for their widespread introduction into almost all aspects of public and private spheres of society. Over the past 200 years, medicine has made more than one great step forward, and in this connection, in this study the author attempts at applying a strategic model of medicine development over these years for the purpose of offering a strategic model of development of criminology at the present stage. Therefore, having examined the basic principles of development of medicine, the author has found that a significant reduction in the crime rate can be accomplished by taking the same strategic model for criminology as the one that has been selected for medicine 200 years ago, namely, to develop a uniform international academic model; to expand interaction within the criminological science; to strengthen the role of interdisciplinary connections, develop the standards for evaluating research results based on the outcomes of their practical application; to integrate new knowledge not only into scientific community but into the public sector as well. Based on the results of the study, the author concludes that efficient development of criminology as a science is possible only with the application of the interdisciplinary approach and with active interaction of scientists and practitioners from different branches. Criminology should continue to follow a multidisciplinary trend following the lead of representatives of medicine, and should turn to all branches and disciplines inviting their representatives to join criminologists in the search for truth. Each branch and discipline has something to offer to criminology in the interdisciplinary context, and this is the only way to comprehensively resolve the crime combating challenge.
Keywords | criminology; crime; combating crime; interdisciplinary approach |
References | Bibliography
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