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Article The System of International Human Rights Standards in Criminal Procedure of Ukraine
Oksana Kuchynska

Doctor of Law, Professor ORCID ID:

Yuliya Tsyganyuk

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor ORCID ID:

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2019
Pages 50 - 64

Ukraine’s integration into the global community and the European space has led to transformational processes in law-making and legislation application practice. Similar processes are also underway in criminal procedure of Ukraine. After gaining independence and with transition from the totalitarian system to the democratic regime, and, later, after adoption of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine (CPC of Ukraine) in 2012, the system of international human rights standards has been formed and established in national criminal procedure. An analysis of law literature of the Soviet period showed that during the Soviet Union times the science of criminal procedure did not focus on the issue of compliance with international human rights standards and their consolidation in statutory provisions as sources of criminal procedure law. Perhaps, such consequences of the past were the impetus owing to which an individual, his or her rights and freedoms have been consolidated in the current provisions of criminal procedure legislation as having priority over the State, and now their theoretical and applied analysis and the system requires further elucidation.

The purpose of the article is to analyze national and foreign scientific sources which highlight challenging systemic issues revealing the essence of international standards in criminal procedure of Ukraine, and justification of their doctrinal significance.

The article analyzes the main approaches to understanding the concept of “international legal standards”, and draws attention to the fact that the main element in the application of international human rights standards in criminal procedure of Ukraine is an individual, and the reason for their implementation is the need to protect his or her rights and freedoms. The author identifies and analyzes the main features of the system of international human rights standards in criminal procedure of Ukraine. The author also presents own vision of the system of international human rights standards in criminal procedure of Ukraine and its features.

The article shows that the system of international human rights standards in criminal procedure of Ukraine should be understood as an array of provisions of international treaties implemented in the system of criminal procedural legislation based on special permission, which govern the legal status of an individual in criminal procedure and the requirements of criminal procedure mechanisms which ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in criminal proceedings.

The author shows that the system of international human rights standards in criminal procedure of Ukraine is characterized by the following features: a) the main element in the application of such standards is an individual; b) the reason for implementation of international standards is the protection of an individual’s rights and freedoms; c) international standards are contained in the international treaties which the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recognized as binding, namely, treaties determining the legal status of an individual in criminal procedure and the requirements to criminal procedure mechanisms which ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in criminal proceedings; d) the system is dynamic, since with the development of “generations” of human rights it may be complemented by new standards; e) the system may not be classified according to the criteria of substantive or procedural law, since it comprehensively accommodates their provisions; f) the system of international human rights standards in criminal procedure means that provisions of CPC of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine containing the rules of criminal procedure should be consistent with it.


Keywords criminal procedure; human rights; human rights standards; the system of human rights standards; international treaties recognized as binding by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine



Authored books

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Edited books

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Journal articles

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