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Article Liability for Offences Under Civil Law Within the Framework of Criminal Proceedings: A System of Regulatory Mazes and the Search for Concepts
Nikolai Shumylo

Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Oleksandr Andrushko

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor (Khmelnitsky, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2019
Pages 99 - 116

The relevance of the topic under study ensues from the social importance of civil liability in criminal proceedings, and from the increasingly growing number of infringements of property and non-property human rights and unresolved systemic problems of theoretical, legislative and practical nature.

The purpose of the article is to study the outlined issues and to determine the ways of how they can be resolved with a view to improving current legislation and practice. The main method used for the study is the method of intersectoral analysis of systemic problems which this institute has.

The author makes a critical analysis of current legislation regarding the State’s liability for the damage caused by subjects of court procedure. The article highlights the specific features of structural elements of this liability: the grounds, subjects, mechanism, etc.

The author also shows the positive and negative aspects present where this damage is reimbursed, and expresses the author's positions concerning them. Furthermore, the author expresses doubts about the efficiency of recourse.

The conclusions made reflect the main results of the study. Thus, it is proposed to determine an integral concept of civil-law liability in criminal procedure, with its main components being as follows: its clear differentiation into institutes: 1) compensation of damage caused by unlawful acts (decisions, actions and omissions) of the subjects of criminal procedure (other types of proceedings) vested with power; 2) rehabilitation; 3) compensation of damage caused to an individual who was affected by a criminal offense; 4) civil lawsuit within criminal procedure; legislative definition of terminology, foundations, bases, subjects and the mechanism of how these institutions function, in separate chapters of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine or in separate laws; implementation of the principle of the State’s liability to an individual for the State’s activity, activities of governmental bodies and their officials according to the principle of complete and unconditional compensation of damage. The author believes that it would be reasonable to introduce a uniform legislative sectoral “general formula” of this constitutional obligation which would permit the grounds for release from compensation; unified procedures for damage compensation and an exclusively court procedure to be introduced for it. The administrative element in its procedures should be excluded; the obligation to initiate compensation of damage should be imposed on the subjects of court procedure vested with power. Victims should be given the right to file a lawsuit for damage compensation in any case where the fact of damage to them is revealed. Furthermore, the rights, obligations and liability of victims of offenses in criminal procedure should be clearly defined, and forensic examination should be recognized mandatory where there is a need to resolve issues pertaining to the type, nature and size of the damage; participation of a lawyer in the proceedings should also be recognized mandatory.


Keywords liability under civil law; compensation of damage; rehabilitation; liability of the State; subjects of criminal procedure vested with power; official powers; offense under civil law; recourse



Authored books

1. Nor V, Imushhestvennaja otvetstvennost’ za nepravil’nye dejstvija dolzhnostnyh lic [Liability for Misconduct by Officials] (Vishha shkola 1974) (in Russian).

2. Nor V, Zashhita imushhestvennyh prav v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve [Protection of Property Rights in Criminal Proceedings] (Vyshha shkola 1989) (in Russian).

3. Shershenevich H, Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava [Textbook of Russian Civil Law] (SPARK 1995) (in Russian).

4. Shumylo M, Reabilitatsiia v kryminalnomu protsesi Ukrainy [Rehabilitation in the Criminal Process of Ukraine] (Arsis 2001) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

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19. Zubrytskyi M, ‘Teoretyko-metodolohichni ta prykladni zasady pravovoho rehuliuvannia vidnosyn u sferi yurydychnoi vidpovidalnosti derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv v Ukraini’ [‘Theoretical, Methodological and Applied Principles of Legal Regulation of Relations in the Field of Legal responsibility of Civil Servants in Ukraine’] (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2019) (in Ukrainian).



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