Article | The Origins, Stages of Establishment and Development of Ukrainian Statehood |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Doctor of Laws, Professor, Head of the Department of State History, Law and Political and Legal Studies Faculty of Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 1 / 2020 |
Pages | 17 - 40 |
Annotation | The purpose of the article is to highlight the origins, stages of establishment and development of Ukrainian statehood. The author notes that statehood is the result of material and spiritual development of an entire nation. It is established that statehood has a much wider content than the concept of “the State”. Statehood culminates into creation of the State as the high point of development of the Ukrainian nation. Statehood is like a foundation and roots of the State, and the latter, for its part, is one of the constituents – in a certain sense, the crown of statehood. Signs of statehood: 1) realization of the nation’s right to political self-determination, State independence, this being the first step towards creating own State; 2) availability of public authorities which act in two forms: a) state power including head of the State; bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power; law enforcement agencies (police, State security agencies, public prosecution, armed forces, etc.); b) municipal power which comprises representative and executive authorities, local self-government bodies; 3) State sovereignty which means the supremacy of the State in its territory and independence in international relations; 4) the system of legal provisions (primary and secondary legislation) which regulate relevant social relations; 5) international recognition of the State and, as a result, its international legal identification; 6) state symbols are official signs (images, items) or sound expressions which are enshrined in legislation and symbolize the sovereignty of the State. For the Ukrainian nation, national statehood has been established in a quite difficult manner and during a long time. Ukrainian statehood was created by the Ukrainian nation as a specific historical form of Ukrainian sociality which is united by single language, territory, history, culture, religion, law, deep economic ties, certain cultural and character features. The Ukrainian nation has been living in the territory of modern Ukraine for many centuries; more than 1,000 years ago, it began creating its statehood under extremely tough conditions, in particular because it did not have borders protected by nature but had aggressive close and distant neighbors. The history of Ukrainian statehood is actually the history of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people for their State. This struggle was aimed at liberating the Ukrainian people from foreign domination and gaining national State independence.
Keywords | the nation; the people; statehood; law; Ukraine |
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