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Article Place of Ukrainian Law in the Legal Systems of the Russian and Austrian (Austro-Hungarian) Empires

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Head of State and Legal Subjects Department V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2020
Pages 159 - 179

The current stage of State-building in Ukraine and the maturation of the rule-of-law State and civil society necessitate a continuing investigation into the history of Ukrainian law from the new methodological perspectives. In this sense, a particular difficulty arises with regard to research of the long periods when the Ukrainian nation did not have its own national State. Among them, there is a special period when the Ukrainian lands were a part of the Austrian (Austro-Hungarian) and Russian Empires in the late XVIII – early XX centuries. Positive law and legislation were imperial in essence and aimed at entire elimination of Ukrainian statehood and law. The very national identity of Ukrainians and the existence of Ukrainian culture and language were under threat, especially in the Russian Empire. In this context, it is extremely important to study the history of Ukrainian law as a legal tradition manifested in cultural and legal identity of Ukrainian people, their legal consciousness, legal memory, customary law and real regulation of legal relations.

The article focuses on the history of Ukrainian law, Ukrainian legal tradition under the rule of the Austrian (Austro-Hungarian) and Russian Empires. Given the specifics of this research, alongside the common methodology, the author also applied the phenomenological approach with regard to the study of historical and legal phenomena and processes, the legacy of the German historical school of law, and the culturological and civilizational approach.

After final elimination of Ukraine’s autonomy within the Russian Empire, Ukrainian law was applicable in its territory until the 1840s. The Ukrainian legal tradition was manifested through effectual provisions of the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Magdeburg law, and local law of custom. Its character is evidenced by the content of codification monuments of Ukrainian law, which did not become effective: “Collection of Lesser Rus’ laws” (1807) and “Code of Local Laws of the Western Provinces” (1837). Customary law primarily dealt with issues of property, obligations, family and inheritance law. Issues relating to crimes and penalties were regulated only by separate provisions of customary law. Both Empires sought to establish full control over the public law domain. Efforts of the Ukrainian national-conscious intelligentsia also had an important role to play, as they researched, preserved and logically structured Ukrainian law. All these factors entailed the revival of Ukraine’s legal system in 1917–1918.


Keywords legal tradition; empires; Ukrainian law; legal culture; legal consciousness; customary law


Authored books

1. Glenn H, Legal tradition of the world: Sustainable diversity in law (4 ed, University Press 2010) (in English).

2. Boiko I, Kryminalni pokarannia v Ukraini (IX–XX st.) [Criminal Penalties in Ukraine (IX–XX Centuries)] (LNU imeni Ivana Franka 2013) (in Ukrainian).

3. Boiko I, Pravove rehuliuvannia tsyvilnykh vidnosyn v Ukraini (IX–XX st.) [Legal Regulation of Civil Relations in Ukraine (IX–XX Centuries)] (Atika 2013) (in Ukrainian).

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5. Holovko O, Finansova administratsiia Rosiiskoi imperii v Ukraini (kinets XVIII – pochatok XX st.): istoryko-pravove doslidzhennia [Financial Administration of the Russian Empire in Ukraine (Late XVIII – Early XX Centuries): Historical and Legal Research] (SIM 2005) (in Ukrainian).

6. Honcharuk V, Pravove rehuliuvannia vyrobnytstva i obihu spyrtnykh napoiv u Rosiiskii imperii v kintsi XVIII – na pochatku XX st. [Legal Regulation of Alcoholic Beverage Production and Turnover in the Russian Empire in the Late XVIII – Early XX Centuries] (Vyd-vo Nats un-tu vnutr sprav 2002) (in Ukrainian).

7. Horobets V, “Volymo tsaria skhidnoho…” Ukrainskyi Hetmanat ta rosiiska dynastiia do i pislia Pereiaslava [“Volymo Tsaria Skhidnoho...” The Ukrainian Hetmanate and the Russian Dynasty Before and After Pereiaslav] (Krytyka 2007) (in Ukrainian).

8. Hrymych M, Zvychaieve tsyvilne pravo ukraintsiv XIX – pochatku XX stolittia [Civil Customary Law of Ukrainians in the XIX – Early XX Centuries] (Aristei 2006) (in Ukrainian). 9. Kiselychnyk V, Lvivske miske pravo (druha polovyna ХІІІ – pochatok XX st.) [Lviv Urban Law (Second Half of the XIII – Early XX Century)] (LvDUVS 2011) (in Ukrainian).

10. Nykyforak M, Bukovyna v derzhavno-pravovii systemi Avstrii (1774–1918 r.) [Bukovyna in the State Legal System of Austria (1774–1918)] (Ruta 2004) (in Ukrainian).

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12. Rubanyk V, Instytut prava vlasnosti v Ukraini: problemy zarodzhennia, stanovlennia y rozvytku vid naidavnishykh chasiv do 1917 roku: istoryko-pravove doslidzhennia [Institute of Property Law in Ukraine: Issues of Origin, Establishment and Development from Ancient Times to 1917: Historical and Legal Research] (Lehas 2002) (in Ukrainian).

13. Said E, Kultura y imperializm [Culture and Imperialism] (Krytyka 2007) (in Ukrainian).

14. Stetsiuk B, Protsesualne pravo v Ukraini: tysiacha rokiv istorii (Х st. – 20-ti rr. ХХ st.) [Procedural Law in Ukraine: A Thousand Years of History (X Century – 20s of the XX Century)] (Dysa plius 2013) (in Ukrainian).

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Edited and translated books

17. Anners Je, Istorija evropejskogo prava [History of European Law] (per so shved. Nauka 1996) (in Russian).

18. Chekhovych V, ‘Zvid mistsevykh zakoniv’ [‘Code of Local Laws’] v Yurydychna entsyklopediia [Legal Encyclopedia], t 2: D–Y (Shemshuchenko Yu red, “Ukr entsykl” im M P Bazhana 2001) (in Ukrainian).

19. Hnatiuk O, Proshchannia z imperiieiu: ukrainski dyskusii pro identychnist [Farewell to the Empire: Ukrainian Discussions about Identity] (per z pol, Krytyka 2005) (in Ukrainian).

20. Lisohorova K, ‘Ulozhennia pro pokarannia kryminalni y vypravni 1845’ [‘Code of Criminal and Corrective Penalties, 1845’] v Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia, [Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia of Law], t 1: Istoriia derzhavy i prava Ukrainy [History of State and Law of Ukraine] (Honcharenko V holova redkol 1-ho t, Pravo 2016) (in Ukrainian).

21. Maksymov S, ‘Ontolohiia prava’ [‘Ontology of Law’] v Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia [The Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia of Law], t 2: Filosofiia prava [Philosophy of Law] (Maksymov S holova redkol 2-ho t, Pravo 2017) (in Ukrainian).

22. Obozrenie istoricheskih svedenij o sostavlenii svoda mestnyh zakonov zapadnyh gubernij [Review of Historical Information about Compilation of the Code Western Provinces] (T-vo R Golike i A Vil’borg 1910) (in Russian).

23. Pravovyi zvychai yak dzherelo ukrainskoho prava (ІХ–ХІХ st.) [Legal Custom as a Source of Ukrainian Law (IX–XIX Centuries)] (Usenko I red, Naukova dumka 2006) (in Ukrainian).

24. Shpengler O, Zakat Evropy: Ocherki morfologii mirovoj istorii [Sunset of Europe: Essays on the Morphology of World History] (per s nem, Mysl’ 1998) (in Russian).

25. Shylinhov V, ‘Istorychna shkola prava’ [‘Historical School of Law’] v Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia [Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia of Law] t 2: Filosofiia prava [Philosophy of Law] (Maksymov S holova redkol 2-ho t, Pravo, 2017) (in Ukrainian).

26. Sobranie malorossijskih prav 1807 g. [Collection of Lesser Rus’ Laws 1807] (Babij B i Mironenko A otv red, Naukova dumka 1993) (in Russian).

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29. Usenko I, ‘Malorosiiske pravo’ [‘Lesser Rus’ Law’] v Yurydychna entsyklopediia [Legal Encyclopedia], t 3: K–M (Shemshuchenko Yu red, “Ukr entsykl” im M P Bazhana 2001) (in Ukrainian).

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Journal articles

31. Boiko I, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia tsyvilnykh vidnosyn na ukrainskykh zemliakh u skladi Avstrii ta Avstro-Uhorshchyny (1772–1918)’ [Legal Regulation of Civil Relations in the Ukrainian Lands as Part of the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian Empire (1772–1918)’] (2013) 57 Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Seriia yurydychna 93 (in Ukrainian).

32. Dmytriienko I ta Dmytriienko Yu, ‘Osoblyvosti istorychnoi ukrainskoi pravovoi svidomosti ta kultury: normatyvna oryhinalnist, arkhetypy, pravova mentalnist’ [‘Specific Features of Historical Ukrainian Legal Consciousness and Culture: Normative Originality, Archetypes, and Legal Mentality’] (2009) 3 Forum prava 211 (in Ukrainian).

33. Shup’iana M, ‘Kodyfikatsiia kryminalnoho prava v Avstriiskii imperii u ХVІІІ–ХІХ st.’ [‘Codification of Criminal Law in the Austrian Empire in the XVII–XIX Centuries’] (2002) 1 Chasopys Kyivskoho universytetu prava 97-8 (in Ukrainian).

34. Tolkachova N, ‘Zvychaieve pravo Ukrainy: osoblyvosti rozvytku’ [‘Customary Law in Ukraine: Specific Features of Development’] (2010) 85 Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka 111 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

35. Pivovarova Ju, ‘K voprosu ob istorii sozdanija Svoda zakonov Zapadnyh gubernij’ [‘More on the History of How the Code of Laws of the Western Provinces Was Created’] v Nacional’naja jekonomika Respubliki Belarus’: problemy i perspektivy razvitija: materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov (Minsk, 13–14 aprelja 2011 g.) [National Economy of the Republic of Belarus: Development Issues and Prospects: Materials of IV Students’ International Scientific and Practical Conference (Minsk, April 13–14, 2011)] (BGJeU 2011) 246-7 (in Russian).


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