Article | Fundamental Principles and Factors for the Establishment of the National Legal System of the Ukrainian Cossack State – Hetmanate |
Authors |
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of History of the state law and political law teachings Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Assistant at the Department of International Law Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Faculty of International Relations (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 1 / 2020 |
Pages | 140 - 158 |
Annotation | One of the stages in the development of Ukrainian statehood was the epoch of the Cossacks distinguished by the establishment and functioning of the Ukrainian Cossack State – Hetmanate in the period 1649–1764. The authors of the article suggest approaching the issue of development of the national legal system in one of the milestone periods of its evolution, and using a methodological research model which accumulates the positivist approach to the understanding of law and the concept “jus naturale”. The national legal system of the Hetmanate was formed and developed on the basis of the principles typical for national legal systems of European States of those times, the fundamental among them being primarily the historicity and continuity (succession) of law. The European legal tradition had a significant impact on the nature and development of the national legal system of the Hetmanate, in particular, by preconditioning a respective level of legal culture of the Hetmanate with its inherent legal mentality. Its essential elements, reproducing the originality and distinctive identity of the inherited legal culture, served as a deterrent to the spread of the Russian legal system which was mentally alien and backward in its essence and content. The system of dominating legal values of the Ukrainian Cossack State was formed in a rather tough environment in which Ukrainian statehood was established and developed. Since the middle of the XVII century, the political and legal values-categories such as individual freedom, democracy, equality, national self-identification etc. gained special weight in the national consciousness of the Ukrainians. During the first half of 1649, for the first time in the history of Ukrainian socio-political thought, the Ukrainian leadership succeeded in forming the national state idea of creating an independent State within Ukraine’s ethnic borders as the key idea in the liberation struggle of the people of all subsequent centuries. At the beginning of the XVIII century, for the first time in the history of Ukrainian law, the legal foundations of representative government and parliamentarism were created, primarily owing to the Constitution of P. Orlyk in 1710. The development of the Hetmanate’s national legal system was positively influenced by its fairly active international legal involvement. The Ukrainian Cossack State – Hetmanate became one of the important milestones in the development of Ukrainian statehood, and its national legal system reflected the essence and content of the efforts and aspirations of the Ukrainian people for independence and self-sustainability.
Keywords | historicity; continuity; Ukrainian law; national legal system; legal tradition; legal mentality; national legal consciousness |
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