Article | Trans- and Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Knowledge of the Subject and Legal Method of Municipal Law of Ukraine |
Authors |
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, State Higher Educational Institution (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2020 |
Pages | 32 - 48 |
Annotation | The article considers the role of transand interdisciplinary methodology in the interpretation of modern knowledge and understanding of the subject of municipal law of Ukraine. The author’s definition of transand interdisciplinary approaches to the explanation of the components of the concept and subject of municipal law is given. The article aims to substantiate objective approaches to the integration of sciences, which can be defined on the basis of analysis of the process of autonomy of scientific knowledge by all humanities and other sciences, understanding the features and patterns of disciplinary development of the science of local self-government, analysis of the processes of allocation in the frame of legal science of municipal law as a branch of law. Transand interdisciplinary approaches that ensure the integration of scientific knowledge of local government at the design stage of scientific and legal research are scrutinized as achieving mutual exchange of scientific results and, finally, the interconnected development of certain branches of scientific knowledge and new science field, which is formed in the process of mutual exchange of information on local self-government. The concept of “interdisciplinarity” in the article is used in different meanings and contexts, mainly as a tool in relation to the subject of research – local government. The author defines the ontological and epistemological bases of integration of scientific knowledge about local self-government, which is the basis of the subject of municipal law. Municipal law combines two internally opposite components of the subject (public and private) and method (subordination and coordination), which creates a special regime of municipal regulation. Along with traditional methods, relatively independent methods are developed, namely value orientations and the principle of proportionality or the doctrine of balance, which determine the uniqueness of modern municipal influence and help protect the right of local self-government in the constitutional process. Transand interdisciplinary theory of civilized determination of law allows us to study current trends in the current system of local self-government in Ukraine. Systematic understanding of municipal law is focused on the perception of the system of local selfgovernment, i. e. the legal system, which is purposefully established set of rules and consists of purposeful components – municipal legal institutions – and which are part of a more purposeful legal system of Ukraine.
Keywords | integration of scientific knowledge; transdisciplinary approach; interdisciplinary research; Local Self-Government; scientific discipline; municipal law |
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