Article | Municipal Human Rights: Analysis Through the Prism of Globalization and Integration Processes |
Authors |
Ph.D. in Law, Аssociate Рrofessor Department of Science of Law Polissya National University (Zhytomyr, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2020 |
Pages | 81 - 96 |
Annotation | The significant impact of globalization and interstate integration on the essential, institutional, functional, normative aspects of the existence and development of law substance necessitates a comprehensive doctrinal understanding of the functioning and trends of further progress not only the national legal system in general but also its structural elements, in particular the branches of law and their institutions. After all, under present-day conditions, the processes of globalization and interstate integration act as perhaps the most significant factors influencing the system of branches of national law and legislation. They underlie modernization, and sometimes transformation, that is, the essential transformations that take place within them and directly relate to both the opportunities and obligations that arise to a person, a group of people (local community), society and the state as a whole. Given that the impact of globalization and interstate integration on the functioning and development of such an institutional component of municipal law as municipal humanrights, the municipal law doctrine is faced with the task of identifying and characterizing trends in their functioning and development in appropriate conditions. The aim of the proposed study is to try to show current trends in the development of municipal human rights under the direct influence of globalization and interstate integration, to characterize their features, the dynamics of the relationship and interaction. It is established that the controversial processes of globalization and interstate integration have a rather intensive impact on the system of municipal human rights. At the same time, this kind of influence is characterized by both positive and negative trends. The author concludes that the system of municipal rights and freedoms, as well as the mechanism of their provision should be developed and improved, primarily on the basis of the ideas of sustainable (balanced) development. After all, it is the municipal-legal dimension of the concept of sustainable (balanced) development creates favourable conditions for a renewed focus on the system of municipal human rights as a whole and on individual aspects of their provision and implementation in globalization, reflects the dialectic of the relationship between such elements as “sustainable (balanced) development – interest in local self-government – municipal rights of the individual” respectively.
Keywords | municipal human rights; promotion of municipal human rights; sustainable (balanced) development; globalization; interstate integration; Sustainable Development Goals |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Batanov O, Munitsypalne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk (Odissei 2008) (in Ukrainian). 2. Udovyka L, Pravova systema Ukrainy: hlobalizatsiini transformatsii (KSK-Alians 2014) (in Ukrainian).
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