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Article Trends in the Systematization of Municipal Law of Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law National University "Odessa Law Academy" (Odessa, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Doctor of Law, Senior Researcher at the Department of Economic and Legal Research Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation of the National University "Odessa Law Academy"

(Odessa, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2020
Pages 97 - 109

Due to the implementation of acts of municipal legislation in Ukraine there is a further democratization of state and public life. The existence of a number of global and European municipal standards not only shows that Ukraine rightly pays considerable attention to the continuous improvement of local government legislation, but also outlines new horizons in this direction and emphasizes the extreme importance of working on continuous improvement of municipal law. Ukraine’s European integration aspirations also force us to pay attention to issues that can be most quickly and effectively resolved by local governments, rather than by central government. This explains the considerable attention to the processes of decentralization of public power, to the desire to consistently implement the principle of subsidiarity in the legal reality of today.  

        The thesis on the need to apply codification to regulate the municipal law of Ukraine is not new, because the expediency of adopting the Code of Laws on Local Self-Government in Ukraine (in other words, the Municipal Code of Ukraine) has been the subject of scientific and practical discourse since the 2000-s. acts of municipal legislation of Ukraine in the legal literature are almost not analysed. The solution of this problem in relation to the Law “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine” opens wide opportunities for continuous improvement of national municipal law, both in essence and in formal terms. Thus, the study of possible areas of application of codification activities in relation to the Law “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine” is important for rulemaking.

       The purpose of the article is to identify promising areas for codification of the provisions of municipal legislation within the current Law “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”.  

       Accordingto the results of the study, the authors argued the inexpediency of increasing the level of sectoral codification of municipal legislation of Ukraine, and its implementation of recodification (“overcodification”).

      The absence of the need to develop and adopt a Code of Laws on Local Self-Government in Ukraine (Municipal Code of Ukraine) has been proved. It is recommended that during the codification of the municipal legislation of Ukraine on the volume of normative material covered by the codification, preference should be given to the implementation of institutional codification by further improving the Law of Ukraine “On Local SelfGovernment in Ukraine”. This conclusion is substantiated by examples from national and foreign practice of legal regulation of local self-government, as well as the results of theanalysis of the draft Code of Laws on Local Self-Government in Ukraine (Municipal Code of Ukraine).

       Among the areas of consolidation of the text of the Law of Ukraine “On Local SelfGovernment in Ukraine” should be considered appropriate the following promising institutional codifications: a) provisions on the status of deputies of local councils, mayors and village, town, city mayors; b) local self-government in the capital – Kyiv; c) provisions on the general meeting of citizens at the place of residence; d) further grouping of provisions on bodies of self-organization of the population. Prospects for further research in this area are to develop relevant draft laws of Ukraine on amendments to the analysed legal act.


Keywords systematization of municipal law of Ukraine, codification of municipal law of Ukraine, municipal legislation of Ukraine, institutional codification, local selfgovernment


Authored books

1. Batanov O, Munitsypalna vlada v Ukraini: problemy teorii ta praktyky (Iurydychna dumka 2010) (in Ukrainian).

2. Fedorenko V, Systema konstytutsiinoho prava Ukrainy: teoretyko-metodolohichni aspekty (Lira K 2009) (in Ukrainian).

3. Holovko K, Systematyzatsiia munitsypalnoho zakonodavstva: ukrainskyi dosvid (Helvetyka 2019) (in Ukrainian).

4. Kalynovskyi B, Mistseva publichna vlada v Ukraini: konstytutsiino-pravovi zasady funktsionuvannia ta rozvytku (Nilan-LTD 2016) (in Ukrainian).

5. Koshil N, Systematyzatsiia konstytutsiinoho zakonodavstva Ukrainy (Helvetyka 2017) (in Ukrainian).

6. Liubchenko P, Munitsypalne pravo Ukrainy: navchalnyi posibnyk (FINN 2012) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

7. Baymuratov M, ‘Terytorialna hromada v politychniy systemi i systemi mistsevoho samovryaduvannya Ukrayiny’ v Pohorilko V ta Frytskyi O (red), Munitsypalne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk (Iurinkom Inter 2001) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

8. Svanishvili A, ‘The Local Self-Government Code of Georgia, the Issue of Self-Organization, and the Concept of Self-Government According to the European Charter of Local SelfGovernment’ (2018) 4 (1-1) Journal of Politics and Democratization 4 < uploads/files/Svanishvili%201-1.pdf> (accessed: 01.09.2020) (in English).

9. Chumakova O, ‘Napriamky rozvytku konstytutsiino-pravovoi osnovy mistsevoho samovriaduvannia v Ukraini’ <> (accessed: 01.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).

10. Mishyna N, ‘Munitsypalna reforma v Ukraini: stan i perspektyvy’ (2018) 4 Pravo Ukrainy 126–38 (in Ukrainian).



11. Kukhianidze A, ‘Georgia’ <> (accessed: 01.09.2020) (in English).

12. ‘Persh nizh vnosyty zminy do Konstytutsii, slid pryiniaty Munitsypalnyi kodeks, – mer Zhytomyra’ < html> (accessed: 01.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).

13. Shyrynian Sh, ‘Obshchiye i spetsifichnyye bar’yery na puti k detsentralizatsii’ <> (accessed: 01.09.2020) (in Russian).


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