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Article Importance of State Registration for Acquisition of Real Estate Property Right

Doctor of Law, Professor, CorrespondingMember of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine,  Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Professor of the Department of Civil Law Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 11 / 2020
Pages 127 - 141

State registration is important for acquisition of real estate and protection of property rights to the latter. Provisions of Ukrainian legislation on state registration property rights are based on the principle of introduction and thus support title negative system. Therefore, property right to real estate shall be acquired once it is registered in a certain legal order. Correct functioning of state registration of property rights to real estate is important not only for private, but for public relationships as well. Since acquisition of real estate (acquisition of property rights to it) is divided in stages, every juridical act and fact in this process should be paid due attention. When the real estate is acquired upon a contract, the contract itself is not crucial for the acquisition of the rights – only state registration of the acquired rights is a sufficient juridical act establishing the acquirer’s right, which, however, does not downplay the role of the contract in the process of acquisition.

The aim of this article is to determine the moment of acquisition of property rights to real estate considering the moment of its state registration.

In Ukraine, it has long been necessary to define the importance of state registration in general and for the acquisition of property rights in particular. It is necessary to advance consistently in the same way as all countries in which the state registration of rights is established, which, in contrast to the state registration of transactions, is not a recording, but a right-establishing nature. The interpretation of the law, including by the highest judicial bodies in dispute resolution, should be correlated with the system of state registration of rights, to which Ukraine has joined, and proceed from the essence and the idea of state registration, which is as follows: all real estate rights must be registered; the information from the state register must be reliable, which is of great importance for civil turnover.

Disputes over the right to real estate should be resolved in each case, based on the principles of legitimacy, good faith, and reasonableness, rather than establishing by the court a rule on the meaning of the state registration and its importance for the acquisition (moment) of ownership.


Keywords real estate; property right; state registration of rights; moment of acquisition of right; contract


Authored books

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 Edited books

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Journal articles

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