Article | History of Ukrainian Law in the Focus of Global Nowadays Challenges |
Authors |
Doctor of Laws, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Law and State of the Institute of Law of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID: mariyami55 @
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2020 |
Pages | 158 - 172 |
Annotation | The article is devoted to the problem of the place and role of the History of Ukrainian law in the system of Ukrainian legal education in the conditions of its powerful commercialization and shift of emphasis in the training of future specialists – lawyers in the direction of utilitarianism and handicrafts. The author emphasizes that one of the main disadvantages of such training of lawyers is that it is aimed primarily at developing skills and competencies in the field of narrow specialization. In this case, all other skills and competencies that correlate with the concept of “human factor”, the cornerstone of which are the moral-spiritual and moral-psychological components, are considered secondary or even superfluous. Although due to the human factor in the past and the law originated. How did it happen? The answer is given by the History of Law. The aim of the article is to draw the attention of the scientific and educational community to discuss the relevance of research and teaching the history of Ukrainian law in national universities of Ukraine, which are designed to provide students with basic knowledge and nurture a nationally oriented elite with a high level of intelligence. Without it, the strengthening of Ukrainian statehood against the background of the challenges facing Ukraine at the beginning of the third millennium has no prospects. The question of the relevance of research and in-depth study of the History of Ukrainian law in the national universities of Ukraine is in the focus of global challenges of today. The author draws attention to the fact that the scientific guideline in favour of preserving the history of Ukrainian law with the status of compulsory discipline in theeducational process is a transdisciplinary methodology, which is declared by UNESCO a leader in the educational process in the XXI century. The subject area of the History of Ukrainian Law is analysed through the prism of updating the knowledge acquired by students in the process of its study, for practical application of legal activity for the benefit of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, even when legal education is considered a commercial project. By studying this discipline, the student receives a practically oriented piece of knowledge about historical experience (both negative and positive) of bringing a fair legal order in accordance with the mental ideas of the Ukrainian people about justice and the requirements of natural law.
Keywords | history of Ukrainian law; commercialization of education; utilitarianism in legal education; national-oriented elite; transdisciplinary methodology |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Il’in I, O sushhnosti pravosoznanija (Smirnova I sost, Rarog 1993) (in Russia). 2. Zakharchenko P, Istoriia ukrainskoho prava: navchalnyi posibnyk (Osvita Ukrainy 2019) (in Ukrainian).
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Conference papers 9. Miroshnychenko M, ‘Mistse Istorii ukrainskoho prava v systemi yurydychnykh nauk v umovakh hlobalizatsii’ v Kontseptsiia ta metodolohiia istorii ukrainskoho prava: zbirnyk materialiv naukovo-praktychnoho kruhloho stolu, prysviachenoho pam’iati profesora Oleksandra Shevchenka (m. Kyiv, 28 kvitnia 2017) (Den pechaty 2017) 9–16 (in Ukrainian).
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