Article | Current Trends in the Development of the Legislation on the Status of the People’s Deputy of Ukraine |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of National Legislation Development Problems Legislation Institute of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:Х
Candidate of Law, Senior Researcher, head of the bill work sector Department of National Legislation Development Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2020 |
Pages | 184 - 199 |
Annotation | The article is dedicated to the investigation of popular questions regarding the development of the legal status of the people’s deputy of Ukraine. Based on the important duties of the people’s deputy of Ukraine, it is possible to define their significant role in the state’s mechanism. It was established that now the most discussed remain, in particular, the questions of deputy’s immunity, imperative mandate, personal voting, the amount ofdeputy’s salary, compliance regarding the norms of deputy’s ethics. These questions have repeatedly been the subject of legislative initiatives submitted for consideration by the parliament. Previously, legislative mechanisms for violation of the procedure of personal voting by people’s deputies suggested: to establish responsibility (mainly criminal); to introduce a personal voting mechanism, using an electronic system with sensor key and with the recording of voting results, etc. The analysis of drafts concerning the salaries of parliamentarians demonstrated that they suggested establishing the following: the limited level of salary; forbiddance of increasing the salary amount and other material remuneration during the term of service for people’s deputies, etc. Regarding parliamentarians’ compliance with the norms of deputy ethics, the drafts introduced the following innovations: creation of the parliamentary bailiff Service; establishing of administrative responsibility of people’s deputies, executives, citizens for violation of discipline and ethic norms at the Parliament plenary session. Important vectors of legislation development regarding the status of the people’s deputy of Ukraine have found their objective representation in relevant programs and directive documents. In the context of resolving questions regarding personal voting of parliamentarians and compliance with the norms of deputy ethics, the following was suggested by scientists: for violation by deputies of the obligation to personally vote at the Verkhovna Rada sessions, it would be necessary to establish political responsibility, which should come in the form of formalized (legal) sanctions applied to the subjects of political decision-making; to introduce in Ukraine the institute of “parliament advocate”, which will contribute to solving the problem of “button-pressing”; adopt the code of conduct of deputies as an effective tool for supporting deputy ethics, a factor in asserting public trust and partnerships between the authorities and citizens.
Keywords | status of the people’s deputy of Ukraine; non-personal voting of people’s deputies; amount of deputy salary; deputy ethics; draft legislation |
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