Article title Prospects for European Union Peacekeeping in Ukraine in the Context of its Foreign and Security Policy Guidelines

Doctor of legal sciences, Associated professor, Chair of Comparative Jurisprudence Centre Volodymyr Koretskyi Institute of State and Law, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12/2020
Сторінки [42-62]

The normatively defined priorities of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU are analysed. On this basis, the EU’s policy on Eastern European security is examined. The main concepts of the EU in the field of peacekeeping and crisis management are highlighted: 1) self-sufficiency, “strategic autonomy” in decision-making and policy implementation; 2) corporatism of interests, or “philosophy of principled pragmatism”,which in fact puts the security and interests of the EU above the maintenance of peace and the spread of European values in the world; 3) the definition of the territory of responsibility of the EU, based on the idea of establishing “cooperative security orders” in the world; 4) the idea of an EU zone of influence, which connects the security of the EU with the security and stability of neighbouring states; 5) the “soft power” approach, in which peacekeeping is ignored as a holistic phenomenon with its military aspects, and the idea of crisis management is substantiated instead.

 It is argued that the EU’s position on the security of Eastern Europe, and Ukraine in particular, has long been determined by the general idea of a secure neighbourhood and the inexpediency of political integration because it brings the Union’s borders closer to dangerous regions and can provoke conflict. The connection shown between the formation of the Eastern Partnership and Russian aggression in Georgia, but with the actual disregard for regional security issues. Significant changes in the EU’s foreign policy as a result of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine are pointed out. The activity of EU civilian missions in Ukraine and their potential that is not used yet in full are analysed. It is concluded that the EU’s foreign policy instruments are essential in deterring Russian aggression, increasing the resilience and promoting Ukraine’s economic development, and modernizing it, but it is unlikely that the EU will play a decisive role in restoring its territorial integrity through peacekeeping.


Keywords peacekeeping; crisis management; security policy; territorial integrity


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Newspaper articles

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