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Article Collaborationism in Modern Ukraine as a Criminal Legal Issue

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law Courses E. Didorenko Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs (Luhansk region, Sievierodonetsk,  Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Researcher ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2020
Pages 116 - 128

Today, the issue of collaborationism, its concepts, features and types, limits of legal responsibility of collaborators, etc. are of particular importance in Ukraine, given the ongoing occupation of part of its sovereign territories, which occurred with the beginning of Russian aggression combined with hybrid methods of warfare. At the same time, the phenomenon of collaborationism, being quite carefully considered in the works of historians, is still insufficiently studied in legal science. Although the problem has been consistently in the spotlight of Ukrainian experts and government officials, it has not even come close to a proper solution. This is evidenced by the lack of a clear and verified position of lawyers on the applied approaches to the legal response to the behaviour of Ukrainian citizens living in the occupied territories, cooperating with the occupying state, the need to change them and determine agreed principles of legal influence on such persons.

 The aim of the article is to review the problem of collaborationism as a modern phenomenon that arose and continues to exist in connection with the occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine in the criminal law discourse.

 It has been established that some Ukrainian lawyers, who have considered in their works one or another criminal law aspect of collaborationism, have not yet come close to solving key issues arising from the need to improve the legal mechanism for combating encroachments on state and military security. It is emphasized that the lack of consensus and credibility in the selected methods of such improvement, as well as the lack of a model based on scientifically sound conclusions of regulation of collaboration, can complicate the long-term process of deoccupation of Ukraine.

The criminal law issues of collaborationism have a significant potential for its further deeper scientific development, which will overcome the gaps in the science of criminal law in this area and gain new theoretical and practical achievements. First, the relevant developments are important from the standpoint of full implementation of the prognostic function performed by modern criminal law science (as the experience of Ukraine shows, the subordinate attitude to this function with the emergence of collaborationism led to confusion and chaos of scientific opinions, inability to formulate effective scientific and practical recommendations). Early prediction of changes in the legal regulation relevant sphere of relations should help to minimize conflicting knowledge, and as a result, quickly and efficiently solving complex research issues.


Keywords collaborationism; collaborator; occupation; cooperation with the occupier; criminal liability; high treason


Authored books

1. Pysmenskyi Ye, Kolaboratsionizm yak suspilno-politychne yavyshche v suchasnii Ukraini (kryminalno-pravovi aspekty) (2020) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

2. Politova A and Akimov M, ‘Criminal Liability for Collaborationism: is There a Need to Establish it in Ukraine?’ in Modern achievements of EU countries and Ukraine in the area of law, рart 2 (Baltija Publishing 2020) (in English).


Journal articles

 3. Shaikan V and Datsko K and Ivaniuk N and Batiuk A, ‘Collaborationism and War Crimes as Phenomena in the Information Society’ (2020) 129 Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research 122. DOI: (in English).

 4. Andreiev D ta Bulaiev V, ‘Orhanizatsiini pryntsypy uchasti informatsiinykh sluzhb MVS u protsesakh deokupatsii okremykh rehioniv Ukrainy’ (2018) 2 Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii vnutrishnikh sprav (in Ukrainian).

5. Diachok O, ‘Shchodo zakonodavchoho obmezhennia pravovoho statusu osib, yaki vchynyly zlochyny proty osnov natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy’ (2017) 2 Pravova pozytsiia (in Ukrainian).

6. Holovkin O ta Skazko I, ‘Kolaboratsionizm v Ukraini: dyskusiini aspekty’ (2017) 78 Derzhava i pravo. Seriia Yurydychni nauky (in Ukrainian).

7. Stepyko M, ‘Problemy realizatsii konsolidatsiinoho potentsialu ukrainskoi natsii’ (2019) 2 Analitychna zapyska. Seriia “Humanitarnyi rozvytok” < files/2019-09/ANALIT%20STEPYKO%20HUMANE%20DEVELOPMENT%201%20 2019%201.pdf> (accessed: 12.11.2020) (in Ukrainian).

8. Ustymenko O, ‘Zaprovadzhennia mizhnarodnoi tymchasovoi administratsii na tymchasovo okupovanykh terytoriiakh Donetskoi ta Luhanskoi oblastei yak chastyna myrotvorchoi stratehii dlia Ukrainy – odyn iz hromadskykh proektiv reintehratsii’ Ukrainy’ (2018) 4 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii derzhavnoho upravlinnia pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy. Seriia: Derzhavne upravlinnia (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

9. Kubalskyi V, ‘Problemy kryminalizatsii kolaboratsionizmu v Ukraini’ in Teoriia ta praktyka protydii zlochynnosti u suchasnykh umovakh: zbirnyk tez Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (LvDUVS 2018) (in Ukrainian).

10. Kubalskyi V, ‘Problemy kryminalno-pravovoi protydii kolaboratsionizmu v Ukraini’ in Protydiia zlochynnosti: teoriia ta praktyka: materialy VIII Mizhnarodnoi naukovopraktychnoi konferentsii (Natsionalna akademiia prokuratury Ukrainy 2018) (in Ukrainian).

 11. Pysmenskyi Ye, ‘Kryminalno-pravova polityka Ukrainy iz zabezpechennia okhorony natsionalnoi bezpeky v umovakh hibrydnoi viiny’ in II Lvivskyi forum kryminalnoi yustytsii “Pravova reforma u sferi kryminalnoi yustytsii: kliuchovi parametry ta prohnoz podalshoho rozvytku”: zbirkа tez Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (ВАІТЕ 2016) (in Ukrainian).

12. Rubashchenko M, ‘Kryminalna vidpovidalnist za kolaboratsionizm za chynnym KK Ukrainy’ v Sotsialna funktsiia kryminalnoho prava: problemy naukovoho zabezpechennia, zakonotvorennia ta pravozastosuvannia: materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Tatsii V ta Borysov V ta inshi red, Pravo 2016) (in Ukrainian).


Newspaper articles

13. Illarionov O, ‘Suspilnyi zapyt na zaboronu kolaboratsionizmu’ (2017) 13 Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy (in Ukrainian).



14. Losiev I, ‘Viina Ukrainy z Rosiieiu i kolaborantstvo. Derzhava povynna reahuvaty’ (Radio svoboda, 03.10.2019) <> (accessed: 22.11.2020) (in Ukrainian).

15. Sapozhnikova O., ‘Yurydychnyi analiz zakonoproektiv pro kolaboratsionizm na vidpovidnist mizhnarodno-pravovym standartam’ (Ukrainska Helsinska spilka z prav liudyny, 03.05.2019) <> (accessed: 22.11.2020) (in Ukrainian).


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