Article | Transitional Justice for Ukraine: Per Aspěra Ad Astra |
Authors |
Ph.D., Associate Professor (Кyiv, Ukraine) Researcher ID:
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of International Law and Comparative Law National Aviation University (Кyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2020 |
Pages | 129 - 149 |
Annotation | . The international armed conflict caused by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has led to a number of challenges to Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, national security, and the need to respond to the actions of aggressor, including issues of deoccupation, reintegration of Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territories, and postconflict regulation in Ukraine. It is determined that one of such features is the use in Ukraine of transitional justice as a tool of post-conflict regulation. After all, transitional justice is a fairly common form of post-conflict regulation, which due to a clear set of its basic elements and principles in recent decades has been applied quite flexibly in various post-conflict and / or post-authoritarian societies. The purpose of the article is to outline the general framework of the possibility and expediency of applying the concept of transitional justice in Ukraine – not only as amechanism that promotes post-conflict settlement, but which is also aimed at ending international armed conflict. Transitional justice is seen as a comprehensive mechanism that includes four main elements: the realization of the right to know the truth about the course of international armed conflict; institutional reforms as a guarantee of non-recurrence of international armed conflict; measures to compensate damage caused to victims of international armed conflict; bringing to justice those guilty of committing the most serious crimes (in particular, the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes). It is noted that in modern post-conflict societies, each of these elements is embodied in one way or another. It is noted that each of the four elements of transitional justice is to some extent implemented in Ukraine now, when the international armed conflict in Ukraine, caused by Russian aggression, as well as the temporary occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions continues. It is determined that as of now there is no conceptual consolidation of transitional justice in the normative legal act in Ukraine. The public consensus on certain aspects of the introduction of transitional justice in Ukraine is also decisive, and its implementation in the normative act is only the result of public consensus. But there is no alternative to the introduction of transitional justice in Ukraine. This is a world experience; principles verified by the practice of several dozen armed conflicts and post-conflict settlement; protection of victims of conflict, modern approaches to the implementation of human rights standards in the post-conflict period; overcoming impunity and balancing the inevitable criminal liability for gross human rights violations, war crimes, crimes against humanity and other forms of liability, amnesty for less serious crimes; establishing the truth about the causes and events of the international armed conflict, forming a common vision of history, documenting crimes and the memory of the victims of the conflict; guarantees that the conflict will not recur in the future.
Keywords | transitional justice; international armed conflict; occupation; grave crimes; human rights; post-conflict settlemen |
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