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Article The Impact of Penitentiary and Pre-Trial Detention Facilities on the Crime Situation in Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Senior Researcher, Director of Аcademician Stashis Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine)



Doctor of Law, Associate Professor (Odesa, Ukraine) 

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2020
Pages 164 - 183

It has long been noted that facilities of the penal correction system and pre-trial detention facilities have a considerable impact on the crime situation, including recidivism, in the regions where they are located. However, even to this day, the fact that these facilities are contributive to the emergence of a specific criminal background negatively affecting the crime situation in certain administrative territorial areas, is not confirmed by mathematical calculations and mapping methods.

The purpose of the article is to prove, by mathematical analysis with respective mapping, the interdependence of such parameters as penitentiary and pre-trial detention facilities, in particular, their number, on the one part, and the intensity of crime in general and its specific types in particular, on the other part, in the context of specific administrative territorial areas.

It is established that the correlation coefficient between the number of penitentiary facilities in a region and the total number of crimes committed is 0.98, and the correlation coefficient for recidivism crimes is 0.99. In other words, this indicator is approaching one, and this indicates stable relationship, as well as the presence of strong correlation dependence between these indicators. At the same time, the author concludes that the highest intensity of general crime and recidivism is recorded in the eastern, southern and central regions of Ukraine, and this correlates with a significant number of imprisonment facilities located particularly in these areas. It is emphasized that the revealed dependence becomes especially noticeable in the context of towns and districts of particular oblasts.

The article gives special consideration to the main links transmitting criminal infection in certain regions. These include, in particular, concentration of persons with criminal record who were released from facilities of imprisonment or restraint in areas where penitentiary facilities are located; criminal subculture as a material and spiritual substrate of criminal ideology; and establishment of illegal, “entrepreneurial” links between local population and penitentiary facilities. Furthermore, the author gives some arguments in favor of bringing back of the concept of a particularly dangerous recidivist to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, because only the inevitability of punishment and prolonged isolation of such persons can protect society from an ever-new criminal threat on their part and limit the influence they have on unstable members of society in the event when they are out of prison.


Keywords imprisonment facilities; intensity of crime; Pearson correlation coefficient; criminal subculture; particularly dangerous recidivist


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