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Article On the Concept of Waterway in Inland Navigation Law of the Danube Countries

Doctor of Law, Doctor of Habilitation Law (Moldau), Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and Labor Law Odessa National Maritime University (Odesa, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Researcher ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2020
Pages 260 - 273

The development of inland water transport for the period till 2030 is contingent on a solid political strategy which it will rest upon and which is supported by sufficient and efficient implementation tools – coordination, investment, and legislation.

An analysis of research results from foreign countries, in particular, law of the Danube countries, engenders the need for a further development of the concept of inland waterway and its statutory representation as an essential component of water transport development. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the List of Inland Waterways Categorized as Navigable” has assigned the Ukrainian part of the Danube (from Reni to Vilkovo, and the Danube-Black Sea channel on the barrier coastline part of the Novostambulske mouth) the status of an inland sea route, but this comes into conflict with the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance. This discrepancy stems from inappropriate scientific and legislative definition of the concept of inland waterway.

The term “inland waterway” was used in the works by pre-revolutionary scientist P. Kazanskij, in works by contemporaries A. Kulko, A. Yefimenko, G. Samoylenko, Ye. Samoylenko, however, without its analysis, outside of the mentioned context and without comparison with law of the Danube countries of Romania, Moldova, and Germany.

The purpose of the article is to make a comparative analysis of the concept of waterway in inland navigation law based on the materials of Ukraine and certain Danube countries and drawing upon the study of its application practice and issues of improvement in the context of the economic situation. This will allow formulating conclusions about the inland waterway concept and proposals for its improvement.

In Ukraine, transportation of goods by inland waterways accounts for 1 % in the structure of transportation by all means of transport, while in the European Union this share is 7 %, in Germany – 12 %, and in Romania – 22 %.

Numerous sources available in Germany – fundamental laws and bulky comments, monographs and scientific articles written on the basis of court cases open up the opportunity for borrowing positive experience accumulated in respect of defining the main concepts of inland navigation law.

A comparative examination of the concept “inland waterway” unveiled the factors which are not contributive to its scientific and legislative definition, or to the growth of inland navigation figures. They blur the boundary between inland navigation law and maritime law and reduce the real share of transportation by particular means of transport. Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania, as parties to a number of multilateral and bilateral international conventions, treaties, and programs, have ample opportunities for joint development of a common approach to and criteria for defining the concept of inland waterway.


Keywords inland navigation law; inland waterway; legal experience of the Danube countries


Authored books

1. Thor Waldstein von und Hubert Holland, Binnenschiffahrtsrecht: Kommentar (de Gruyter Recht 2007) (in German).

2. Vortisch O und Bemm W, Binnenschiffahrtsrecht: Kommentar (de Gruyter 1991) (in German).

3. Vortisch O und Zschucke O, Binnenschiffahrts und Flößereirecht: Erläuterungswerk (de Gruyter 2016) (in German).

4. Kazanskij P, Dogovornye reki: Ocherki istorii i teorii mezhdunarodnogo rechnogo prava [Negotiated Rivers: Essays on the History and Theory of International River Law], t 1-2 (Tip Gub pravl 1895) (in Russian).

5. Rehistrova knyha suden [Ship Register Book] <> (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Ukrainian).

6. Moshak G, Pravovoj kontrol’ ispol’zovanija reki Dunaj [Legal Control of the Use of the Danube River] (Iurydychna literatura 2005) (in Russian).

7. Samoilenko Ye, Mizhnarodno-pravove rehuliuvannia sudnoplavnoho vykorystannia mizhnarodnykh rik [International Legal Regulation of the Navigational Use of International Rivers] (Vydavnytstvo Lira-K 2017) (in Ukrainian).



8. Kulko A, ‘Instytutsiini ta dohovirni mekhanizmy rehlamentatsii mizhnarodnoho spivrobitnytstva z vykorystannia resursiv riky Dunai’ [‘Institutional and Contractual Mechanisms Regulating International Cooperation on the Use of the Danube River Resources’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2009) (in Ukrainian).

9. Kulko A, ‘Mizhnarodno-pravove rehuliuvannia vykorystannia ta okhorony transkordonnykh prisnykh vod’ [‘International Legal Regulation of the Use and Protection of Transboundary Fresh Waters’] (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2018) (in Ukrainian).

10. Samoilenko H, ‘Dohovir perevezennia vantazhiv u vnutrishnomu vodnomu spoluchenni’ [‘Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2003) (in Ukrainian).

11. Samoilenko Ye, ‘Mizhnarodno-pravove rehuliuvannia navihatsiinoho vykorystannia mizhnarodnykh rik’ [‘International Legal Regulation of the Navigational Use of International Rivers’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2016) (in Ukrainian).

12. Yefymenko A, ‘Mizhnarodno-pravovyi rezhym Dunaiu: aspekty sudnoplavstva ta okhorony navkolyshnoho seredovyshcha’ [‘International Legal Regime of the Danube: Aspects of Navigation and Environmental Protection’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 1998) (in Ukrainian).



13. ‘Paradoxul cu care se confruntă România. Investitorii preferă să importe prin portul olandez Rotterdam’ <> (digi24, 09.02.2018) (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Romanian).

14. ‘Canals and inland waterways’ (Encyclopaedia Britannica) <https://www.britannica. com/technology/canal-waterway> (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in English).

15. ‘Nave fluviale in inventar, la sfirsitul anului, pe tipuri de nave, 2000-2018’ (Banca de date statistice Moldova) economica/40%20Statistica%20economica__19%20TRA__TRA020/TRA020400.px/ table/tableViewLayout1/?rxid=9a62a0d7-86c4-45da-b7e4-fecc26003802 (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Romanian).

16. ‘Karta evropejskih vnutrennih vodnyh putej’ [‘Map of European Inland Waterways’] <> (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Russian).

17. ‘BinSchG – Gesetz betreffend die privatrechtlichen Verhaltnisse der Binnenschiffahrt 20.05.1898 (Zakon pro pryvatno-pravovi vidnosyny vnutrishnoho sudnoplavstva 20.05.1898 r). (pereklad H. Moshaka)’ <> (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Ukrainian).

18. ‘Eshhe odin moldavskij korabl’ popal pod zaprety: stala izvestna prichina’ [‘Another Moldovan Ship Banned: the Reason is Known’] (Bloknot Moldovy, 21.04.2019) <> (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Russian).

19. Informatsiia pro vodnyi transport Ukrainy’ [‘Information about Water Transport of Ukraine’] (Ministerstvo infrastruktury Ukrainy) < informaciya-pro-vodniy-transport-ukraini.html> (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Ukrainian).

20. Labunec A, ‘Jekonomika Moldovy: problemy vodnogo transporta’ [‘Moldova’s Economy: Water Transport Problems’] (AVA.MD, 15.07.2010) < ekonomika-moldovy-problemy-vodnogo-transporta> (accessed: 21.01.2020) (in Russian).


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