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Article Uncertainty vs Certainty of Criminal Legislation of Ukraine

Doctor of Laws, Associate Professor, head, department improving the skills of prosecutors on the prevention of corruption, Institute of Continuing Training of Prosecutors National Prosecution Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: 


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2020
Pages 67 - 80

Certainty vs uncertainty of criminal law is a topical issue of our time. One of the tasks targeted at updating criminal legislation of Ukraine is to ascertain the optimal level of certain and uncertain content in the text of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (CC of Ukraine).

This article aims at establishing the correlation of uncertain and certain formulations in the text of CC of Ukraine and at justifying which of them should be used in it. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to describe major difficulties of defining the correlation between the certain and the uncertain in the text of statutory acts in scientific approaches, including foreign legal doctrine, as well as in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR); 2) to single out objective and subjective reasons leading to uncertain wording which is present in the text of CC of Ukraine, and to give specific examples of uncertain content in the current CC of Ukraine; 3) to investigate possible presence of uncertain content in the text of CC of Ukraine.

The basic scientific results are as follows: current viewpoints in the foreign legal doctrine about the correlation of the certain and the uncertain in legislation are mostly focused on a reasonable balance between the above content; some ECtHR judgments contain a reference to the proportionality of the certain and the uncertain in any law; when defining the correlation of the uncertain and the certain in the text of CC of Ukraine, it would be advisable to concentrate on optimization of uncertainty rather than on eliminating it; legal uncertainty of criminal law provisions is underlain by objective as well as subjective reasons; the author has singled out the degree of certainty as a qualitative characteristic of criminal law provisions; evaluative concepts, open lists, discretionary powers of public authorities in criminal law relations, latency of the text of CC of Ukraine, legal fictions, and legal presumptions are regarded as uncertain content; the author also shows that even formalized provisions of CC of Ukraine may generate uncertainty, for example, casuistic lists.


Keywords uncertainty; uncertain content; certainty; the Criminal Code of Ukraine; interpretation; application of legal provisions


Authored books

1. Hart, H. L. A. The Concept of Law (Oxford University Press 1997) (in English).

2. Schauer F, Thinking Like a Lawyer: A New Introduction to Legal Reasoning (Harvard University Press 2009) (in English).

3. Aleksy R, Poniatye y deistvytelnost prava (otvet yurydycheskomu pozytyvyzmu) [The Concept and Validity of Law (A Response to Legal Positivism)] (Ynfotropyk Medya 2011) (in Russian).

4. Hriazyn Y, Tekst prava (Opyt metodolohycheskoho analyza konkuryruiushchykh teoryi) [Law Text (An Experience of Methodological Analysis of Competing Theories)] (Eesty raamat 1983) (in Russian).

5. Hubaeva T, Slovesnost v yurysprudentsyy [Words in Jurisprudence] (Kazanskyi hosudarstvennyi unyversytet 1995) (in Russian).

6. Yvanchyn A, Zakonodatelnaia tekhnyka y ee rol v rossyiskom uholovnom pravotvorchestve [Legislative Technique and Its Role in Russian Criminal Law-Making] (Yurlytynform 2011) (in Russian).

7. Zahynei Z, Kryminalno-pravova hermenevtyka [Criminal Law Hermeneutics] (ArtEk 2015) (in Ukrainian).


Translated books

8. David R i Zhoffre-Spinozi K, Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti [Main Legal Systems of Our Time] (Tumanov V per s fr, Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija 2009) (in Russian).


Journal articles

9. Cass R. Sunstein, ‘Problems with Rules’ (1995) 83 California Law Review 1026 (in English). 10. Christie G, ‘Vagueness and Legal Language’ (1964) 48 Minnesota Law Review 885–911 (in English).

11. Kaplow L, ‘Rules Versus Standards’ (1992) 42 An Economic Analysis, Duke Law Journal 557–629 (in English).

12. Schlag P, ‘Rules and Standards’ [1985] 33(2) Ucla Law Review 379–430 (in English).

13. Sultanov A, ‘Pravovaia opredelennost – chast dolzhnoi pravovoi protsedury yly kak v zakon ob ekstremyzme pravovuiu opredelennost vvodyly’ [‘Legal Certainty – Part of Due Process or How Legal Certainty Was Introduced Into the Law on Extremism’] (2015) 1 Advokat 5–17 (in Russian).

14. Zahynei Z ta Kvasha O, ‘Shchodo imunitetu vid kryminalnoho peresliduvannia za nezakonne zbahachennia okremykh vysokoposadovtsiv’ [‘Regarding Immunity from Criminal Prosecution for Illegal Enrichment of Certain Top Officials’] (2018) 11 Biuleten Ministerstva yustytsii Ukrainy 34–40 (in Ukrainian).



15. Zahynei Z, ‘Hermenevtyka kryminalnoho zakonu Ukrainy’ [‘Hermeneutics of Criminal Law of Ukraine’] (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2016) (in Ukrainian).



16. ‘Verkhovnyi Sud postavyv pid zahrozu deklaruvannia’ [‘Supreme Court Jeopardizes Declaration’] (Tsentr protydii koruptsii – storinka u facebook) <https://www.facebook. com/> (accessed: 10.02.2020) (in Ukrainian).

17. ‘Kontent’ [‘Content’] (Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy online) < Entry/index?wordid=193469&page=1381> (accessed: 03.02.2020) (in Ukrainian).



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