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Article Criminological Characteristics of an Individual’s Deviant Behavior in the Context of the Psychophysiological and Socio-Legal Component

Doctor of Laws, Professor (Dnipro, Ukraine)



Doctor of Laws, Professor (Dnipro, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2020
Pages 245 - 263

The article presents an analysis of criminological studies aimed at understanding of the emergence, development and evolvement of an individual with deviant behavior, his/her way of getting adapted and adjusted to social contradictions and destructive processes which are underway and which occurred in Ukraine. This will allow not only for an unbiased assessment of this process, but also for a significant impact on it, with involvement of the general public and of all the stakeholders in the study of this issue.

The article focuses on a criminological analysis of the legal nature of an individual’s deviant behavior in the context of its psychophysiological and socio-legal component, and also aims at determining the specific arrangement of such an individual by making a generalization of scientific studies of criminological, social, and psychological nature.

The distinguishing and specific features of persons with deviant behavior stem from the qualitative characteristics of a deviant personality: activity motives, social roles, psychophysiological characteristics, biochemical qualities, nervous activity types, ideals, appearance, outlook, self-awareness, value orientations, and intelligence.

In the conclusion, the authors maintain that an important stage in the forming of the approaches to prevent an individual’s deviant behavior is the activity of the State and its social institutions which should be directed towards creating an environment which is favorable for an individual and ensures decent development and protection of his/her rights in compliance with the principles of democracy, equality, social justice, with due regard for the fundamental moral principles and traditional values of Ukrainian society.

 It is concluded that a person with deviant behavior should be comprehended in the interdisciplinary context. The authors provide the definition of a person with deviant behavior – it is an integral wholeness which comprises all levels of mental organization, a special form of an individual’s existence in society according to which he/she acts autonomously but is affected by infinite internal and external changes through which this person can commit certain criminal actions controlled or uncontrolled by him/her.


Keywords deviant behavior; criminal psychology; psychophysiological components; socio-legal components; personality upbringing process; motivational sphere; social attitudes; value orientations


Authored books

1. Bratchenko S, Jekzistencial’naja psihologija glubinnogo obshhenija: Uroki Dzhejmsa Bjudzhentala [Existential Psychology of In-Deep Communication: Lessons by James Bugental] (Smysl 2001) (in Russian).

2. Dolgova A, Kriminologija: uchebnik dlja vuzov [Criminology: Textbook for Universities] (INFRA-M – NORMA 1999) (in Russian).

3. Kon I, Sociologija lichnosti [Sociology of Personality] (Politizdat 1967) (in Russian).

4. Kon I, V poiskah sebja: Lichnost’ i ee samosoznanie [In Search of Self: Personality and Its Self-Awareness] (Politizdat 1984) (in Russian).

5. Poznyshev S, Kriminal’naja psihologija: Prestupnye tipy. O psihologicheskom issledovanii lichnosti kak sub»ekta povedenija voobshhe i ob izuchenii lichnosti prestupnika v chastnosti [Criminal Psychology: Criminal Types. On the Psychological Study of an Individual as a Behaver in General and on the Study of a Criminal’s Personality in Particular] (INFRA-M 2007) (in Russian).

6. Tatsii V, Ob’iekt i predmet zlochynu v kryminalnomu pravi [Target and Subject Matter of Crime in Criminal Law] (Pravo 2016) (in Ukrainian).

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Edited and translated books

9. Ferri Je, Ugolovnaja sociologija [Criminal Sociology] (per s fr, INFRA-M 2009) (in Russian).

10. Frejd Z, Psihologija seksual’nosti [Psychology of Sexuality] (per s nem, Folio 2007) (in Russian). 11. Frejd Z, Vvedenie v psihoanaliz: lekcii [Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Lectures] (per s nem, Nauka 1989) (in Russian).

12. H’ell L i Zigler D, Teorii lichnosti: osnovnye polozhenija, issledovanija i primenenie [Theories of Personality: Fundamentals, Research and Application] (per s angl, 2003) (in Russian).

13. Kryminolohiia: pidruchnyk [Criminology: Textbook] (Holina V ta Holovkin B red, Pravo 2014) (in Ukrainian).

14. Leongard K, Akcentuirovannye lichnosti [Accentuated Personalities] (per s nem, Feniks 2000) (in Russian).

15. Lombrozo Ch, Prestupnyj chelovek [A Criminal Person] (per s ital, MIDGARD 2005) (in Russian).

16. Maslou A, Motivacija i lichnost’ [Motivation and Personality] (per s angl, Piter 2003) (in Russian).

17. Olport G, Stanovlenie lichnosti: izbrannye trudy [Personality Evolvement: Selected Works] (per s angl, Smysl 2002) (in Russian).

18. Shelli Dzh F (red), Kriminologija [Criminology] (per s angl, Piter) 2003 (in Russian).



19. Tarotenko O, ‘Formirovanie jemocional’no-volevyh svojstv detej mladshih klassov, sposobstvujushhih prinjatiju social’no-priemlemogo povedenija’ [‘Forming of Emotional and Volitional Features in Primary School Children Which Contribute to Assimilation of Socially Acceptable Behavior’] (dis kand psihol nauk, Izd-vo KGTU 2002) (in Russian).



20. ‘Allport’s Trait Theory of Personality’ (Exploring your mind, 21.09.2018) <https://> (accessed: 23.03.2020) (in English).


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