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Article The Tax Law Doctrine and Rule-Making in the Field of Taxation

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Financial Law Department Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv city, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2020
Pages 71 - 81

Ukraine has passed through the stage of its initial establishment as an independent, democratic, social welfare and rule of law state; the situation in the field of rule-making in general and in the field of taxation in particular has not changed much. There may be numerous reasons for this: from economic and political ones to temporary circumstances, such as, for instance, the anti-terrorist operation in Eastern Ukraine. Most commonly, mention is made of the variability of socio-economic relations, non-compliance with legal techniques, lack of proper modeling of the situation, and so on. However, the reasons mentioned do not include the absence of a relationship between rule-making and the tax doctrine, whereby the use of those provisions which are formed as doctrinal is observed in the case of development and adoption of statutory instruments. To make an analysis of the process whereby the tax law doctrine influences the forming of the content of tax law provisions, the author highlights the essence of such concepts as “doctrine”, “legal doctrine”, and “tax law doctrine”.

The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the tax law doctrine.

It is established that the concept of the tax law doctrine is multi-faceted, and its content is characterized by multiple vectors. The essence of the tax law doctrine is manifested through a number of its aspects: as a set of well-established theoretical provisions about tax, its imposition and payment, tax system, principles of tax law and other aspects of tax relations; such provisions are studied and formulated by scientists and further reflected (formalized) in their scientific works, and they can also be combined within the framework of relevant scientific schools; it synthesizes and forms a certain system of scientific views on the essence of taxes, tax system, and tax administration. Furthermore, a document that reflects the content and lines of development of the State’s modern tax policy can be regarded as the tax law doctrine. Today, the tax law doctrine cannot be recognized as a source of tax law in Ukraine. At the same time, by its functional orientation it should have a direct impact on the content of tax law provisions when they are developed and improved.


Keywords doctrine; legal doctrine of tax law; rule-making; tax rule-making; tax system


Authored books

1. Dmytryk O, Dzherela finansovoho prava: problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Sources of Financial Law: Problems and Prospects for Development] (Pravo 2010) (in Ukrainian).

2. Kucherjavenko N, Kurs nalogovogo prava [The course of Tax Law], t III: Uchenie o naloge [The Doctrine of Tax] (Pravo 2005) (in Russian).

3. Semenikhin I, Pravova doktryna: zahalnoteoretychnyi analiz [Legal Doctrine: A General Theoretical Analysis] (Iurait 2012) (in Ukrainian).


Edited and translated books

 4. Kun T, Struktura naukovykh revoliutsii [The Structure of Scientific Revolutions] (per z anhl, Port-Royal 2001) (in Ukrainian).

5. Litopys dysertatsiinykh doslidzhen z finansovoho prava [Chronicle of the Dissertation on Financial Law] (Kucheriavenko M ta Krynytskyi I uporiad, Pravo 2018) (in Ukrainian).

6. Polani M, Lichnostnoe znanie. Na puti k postkriticheskoj filosofii [Personal Knowledge. Towards Postcritical Philosophy] (per s angl, Progress 1998) (in Russian).

7. Zahalna teoriia derzhavy i prava: pidruchnyk [General Theory of State and Law] : [Pictionary of the Ukrainian Language Academic Explanatory Dictionary (1970–1980)] (Tsvik M ta Tkachenko V ta Petryshyn O red, Pravo 2002) (in Ukrainian).



8. ‘Doktryna’ [‘Doctrsne’] v Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy. Akademichnyi tlumachnyi slovnyk (1970–1980) <> (accessed: 22.02.2020) (in Ukrainian).

 9. Ozhegov S i Shvedova N, Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka [Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language] (4-e izd, 2006) (in Russian).


Journal articles

10. Tatsii V, ‘Shliakh “sprob ta pomylok” nadto doroho obkhodytsia suspilstvu’ [‘The Way of “Trial and Error” is Too Expensive for Society’] (2005) 9 Viche 56–7 (in Ukrainian).

11. Todyka Yu, ‘Konstytutsiia i pravova doktryna’ [‘The Constitution and Legal Doctrine’] [2000] 1 (20) Visn. Akad. prav. nauk Ukrainy 46 (in Ukrainian).

12. Vavilin E, ‘Nekotorye problemy mehanizma zashhity subektivnyh grazhdanskih’ [‘Some Problems of the Mechanism of Protection of Subjective Civil’] [2002] 3 (242) Pravovedenie 183 (in Russian).



13. Duravkin P, ‘Zabezpechennia vykonannia podatkovoho obov’iazku’ [‘Ensuring Tax Compliance’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2010) (in Ukrainian).

14. Duvanskyi O, ‘Prymusovi zakhody, pov’iazani z nevykonanniam obov’iazku zi splaty podatkiv i zboriv’ [‘Coercive Measures Related to Tax and Fee Failure’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2013) (in Ukrainian).

15. Hrebeniuk N, ‘Funktsii podatkovo-pravovoho prymusu’ [‘Functions of Tax and Legal Coercion’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2017) (in Ukrainian).

16. Kyrychenko V, ‘Sposoby zabezpechennia vykonannia podatkovoho obov’iazku’ [‘Ways to Tnsure Tax Compliance’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2005) (in Ukrainian).

17. Marynchak N, ‘Zabezpechuvalni zakhody v podatkovomu pravi’ [‘Precautionary Measures in Tax Law’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2014) (in Ukrainian).

18. Tymchenko A, ‘Vydy prymusovykh zakhodiv u podatkovomu pravi’ [‘Types of Coercive Measures in Tax Law’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2012) (in Ukrainian).

19. Zakarian B, ‘Pravovidnovliuvalni zakhody v podatkovo-pravovomu rehuliuvanni’ [‘Law Enforcement Measures in Tax Regulation’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2016) (in Ukrainian).



20. Bogatova O, ‘Normativno-pravovoj akt kak istochnik prava (teoreticheskij aspekt)’ [‘Normative Legal Act as a Source of Law (Theoretical Aspect)’] (dis kand jurid nauk, 2004) (in Russian).

21. Boshno S, ‘Forma prava: teoretiko-pravovoe issledovanie’ [‘Form of Law: Theoretical and Legal Research’] (dis d-ra jurid nauk, 2005) (in Russian).

22. Zozulja A, ‘Doktrina v sovremennom prave’ [‘Doctrine in Modern Law’] (dis kand jurid nauk, 2006) (in Russian).

 23. Dmytryk O, ‘Dzherela finansovoho prava’ [‘Sources of Financial Law’] (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2011) (in Ukrainian).


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